We are just a few days away from the ever troublesome NLYP, his poor wife Drama Queen leaving on a "missions" trip under the supervision of the ever steady IAintMovin and his sooooooo beautiful wife.
After two days of miserable travel we will be making mission stops in Jamaica where we will minister to the locals, our next port of ca.....errrrr.... mission stop will be at the Grand Caymens where we will descend to the pits of stingrays and it is quite possible we will even visit ....errrr.. .how can I say this without a ban.... ahhh yes... the devils domain, then we will sail to minister to those who were a few years ago much hurt in a storm of great force......Cozumel.... through this all please pray with me that I can get NLYP to see the light and learn of the ways of truth......
We fly out of New Orleans next Saturday (April 21) to meet our friends IAM and Mrs IAM in Houston where we will spend the day shopping and having a grand ol' time. Then Sunday morning we shall head to Galveston for our 7 day Carribean Cruise. . . on this!!!!
We fly out of New Orleans next Saturday (April 21) to meet our friends IAM and Mrs IAM in Houston where we will spend the day shopping and having a grand ol' time. Then Sunday morning we shall head to Galveston for our 7 day Carribean Cruise. . . on this!!!!