This Five-Generation picture was taken mid-August 1983. It includes my late paternal
grandmother (the first of our family to obey apostolic truth). My late father and I are
standing behind Grandma Lizzie and our firstborn, holding her firstborn. He was
two weeks old. This "baby" is now 25 yrs. old and is a licensed minister, assisting in
the church his great-grandparents founded in 1958, fifty yrs ago, Nov.2008.
This is our first grandson (in the 5-Generation picture!, who is 25 yrs old now. He
and his precious wife just observed their 5th wedding anniversary Jan.17, 2009. We
have 19 more grandchildren that share the same heritage this grandson possesses.
We have a goodly heritage. It was NOT by accident. That little grandmother took a
stand for truth when no one else in her family did. Later many did come in).Thank you,
Dear Grandma Lizzie, for the "STAND" you took, not only for your children but for your
eldest granddaughter and her family. You and I (and others) can stand because of the
ONE who lives inside us. King Jesus, who sits on the thrones of the hearts of
those who will welcome and receive Him there.
The theme of our 50th Anniversary Celebration of the church our late parents
founded, was "The Power of the Past, The Present, and The Future". The picture
of the "Five Generations" of our family, represents the PAST. The picture of our
eldest grandson and wife, represents (part, but not all. There's a WHOLE bunch
more) the PRESENT!. It's not hard to see why there is Hope for the FUTURE! We
look forward to this Future Hope, in Jesus Name! Our Hope in the FUTURE is in
the same God that was in the past generation, and is in the Present generation,
and will be in the generation of the FUTURE (
Psalms 14:5) "God is in the genera-
tion of the righteous". "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs
according to the promise". "One generation passeth away, and another generation
cometh: but the earth abideth for ever".Eccles.1:4.
The above picture from our recent "50 Anniversay Celebration"
represents an overlapping of the PAST, blending with the PRESENT,
and the bringing in of the FUTURE! Reminds me of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob. Three generations. A three fold cord is not easily broken.
But allow one cord (generation) to be broken and you could suffer the
the loss of a generation, or more.
We have a great crowd of witnesses coming up out of the wilderness of this world
who will one day join that great CLOUD" of witnesses that has gone before us. It
will be a Great, Glad Reunion Day.
Eternally grateful for His Blessings,