Originally Posted by mfblume
Whereas I see no gap in the seventy weeks of Daniel in Daniel 9, I believe there are instances where gaps are to be understood in scripture. Perhaps Gen 1:1-2 is one of them.
Please help me narrow this down to its truth.
Genesis 1:1 says God created the heaven and earth. And verse 2 says the earth was void and without form.
When you research the Hebrew word for "without form" it is as follows:
The same word is used in Isaiah 45, translated as "in vain", and is also used in connection with the creation of earth.
So if Isaiah said God did not create the earth TOHUW, but Gen 1:2 says the earth was TOHUW, then how can we make any sense out of it other than saying a gap of time occurred after creation in Genesis 1:1 and before verse 2 when the earth was TOHUW?
Here's the way I see it.
First there was literally nothing.
Gen 1:1 There was a mass of stuff, jumbled, and scattered.
Gen 1:3 There was light/energy added to the mix.
Gen 1:4 the light became separate, the energy became into a focused source.
Gen 1:6-8 Some form started happening and what we now know as atmosphere, stratosphere etc separated the liquid waters from the vapor waters.
Gen 1:9-10 The earth actually began to take shape in a form somewhat like what it is now, there was land, and there were seas, with a heaven surrounding it.
Gen 1:11-12 grass, tree's
and their kind (vegetables, flowers etc being their kind) began growing.
Gen 1:14-18 This is when time as we know it began. Day, nigh, seasons, years. This is when the Sun, moon and starts formed in the heavens.
Gen 1:20-22 "life started forming in the oceans, whales, fish, and birds,
and their kindbegan to form. (or "evolve" if you will.)
Gen 1:24-25 life began to evolve on earth and earth bound creatures started to multiply. Cattle
and their kind creeping things, Beasts,
and their kind(I believe this is where dinosaurs went through their phase, and many of the beasts and creatures that are now extinct, including apes "and their kind" ((cro-magnon, neanderthal etc.)) roamed the earth.)
Gen 1:26 A new creature came to be. Man, now roamed the earth, a being with the breath of God creating life, making him a soul.
Now there was a being that God would interact with, walk with, talk with, and one day ultimately save from their very own destruction.
Gen 2:4 explains that there are "generations" of the heavens and the earth and when they were created. "In the
day that the lord created them.
I believe the "day" refers to the time period described as
"the generations" of the creation of heaven and earth. The earth was thousands of "years" old (or "generations") long before time as we know it actually began.
That's why science shows the earth as far more than a mere 6 or 8 thousand years old.
Earth was older than that before time began. Those beasts and their kind roamed and became extinct during the
generations of creation before the seventh day when God rested, before man was even created.
Lets look at science, what does science say?
As I have long believed. Science does not contradict the Bible. Science CONFIRMS the Bible!