Wild at Heart - by John Eldredge has an excellent series for Christian men.
With prodding got last church I attended to go from twice a year men's breakfast to minimum once a month outtings. Different times, days, locations, and events.
It was a revelation to some that it was actually a ministry to attract other men as well , when there was not an overt 30 minute Bible lesson attached to everything.
An annual men's retreat is also excellent. Especially if can be held in a place that has a "ropes" course etc. Builds trust and bonding.
For Men Only? HA! Thats too funny considering MEN invade every thread pertaining to or started by women no matter the subject matter! Turn around is fare play brother!
It is my observation that most "men's ministries" consist of fishing, golfing, hunting, racquetball, camping, eating, church maintenance work, more eating, more golf, more fishing, etc.
While women's ministries typically consist of prayer meetings, praise and devotional get togethers, special meetings with a guest speaker, eating, cleaning/supplying church and other facilities, planning and preparing for church events, fundraising activities, ministering to hurting/needy families, benovelence needs - food, flowers, etc, more eating, more prayer meetings, more cleaning/supplying, more fundraising...
Theres something wrong with this picture guys. But thats all I will say for now...just my two cents on this "MEN ONLY" thread. LOL!
hmm... at our church, the men do things like change the oil in all the single ladies cars for free, while the ladies ministry seems to be outings to local and not so local factory outlet malls.
your turn.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!
hmm... at our church, the men do things like change the oil in all the single ladies cars for free, while the ladies ministry seems to be outings to local and not so local factory outlet malls.
hmm... at our church, the men do things like change the oil in all the single ladies cars for free, while the ladies ministry seems to be outings to local and not so local factory outlet malls.
your turn.
Changing oil for ladies is wonderful! I know some men that need to learn how cause they can't do their own. Would you volunteer to teach them?
The ladies at my church don't do the mall thing but my previous church did on occasion. Generally only during a ladies retreat or conference. I hated it. I'd rather be fishing with the men!
"The only thing worse than murder in the desert is to know where the water is and not tell it!"
Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
"You will be hated for my sake-Just remember that it should be for MY sake and not YOURS-
Do NOT act in such a way as to be offensive, and then blame it on me"
I may get strung up for this but this is what I think.
Men's ministry fails because it ends up being one more time for someone to get the men together and tell them how they should act.
Far too often churches end up thinking every get together is an opportunity to teach a lesson or preach a sermon.
where men are concerned, I don't think that is the best approach. It OUGHT to be about fellowship.
I believe in teaching. I believe in Sunday school. In fact, I don't think anyone should be allowed in leadership of a church if they aren't involved in Sunday school as either a teacher or a student. period. that includes the music department folk.
I believe in prayer meetings. Churches should have those on a regular basis.
but a men's ministry ought to be about the men and not another chance for Sunday school or a prayer meeting.
But if you want to be effective with a men's ministry, it better be something the men are willing to be a part of. where they can let their guard down and be real. Fish, hunt, camp, play golf, go to ball games. Find things that interest your men and make it something that they can be a part of. Let it be something they can invite friends to and develop Godly relationships with Godly men.
__________________ If I do something stupid blame the Lortab!