Originally Posted by RandyWayne
Is it true that an unbelieving spouse can actually be saved by a believer? It seems to say that.....
Originally Posted by Mosby48
Yes they can. It happened to us. My bride got into Church and I followed later because I didn't want to cause her distress. Then I got the Holy Ghost.
Mosby, true in your case, when the unbeliever eventually becomes a believer. But I dont think RW is speaking of that... I think he means if they can be saved simply because of the salvation of the spouse. In that case, I would say no! The unbeliever would first have to come to a place of faith, and conversion, in order to be saved. BUT, with a believing spouse and faithful example, that path might be paved and easier to travel (not in all cases though) for the unbelieving spouse (as in Mosby's example)...