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Old 12-18-2007, 10:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
Is he currently UPC?
Now that you know...is there a needed explanation to the saints? What if half of the district was pulling out? What if 5 large churches were pulling out and joining the new organization.

Does the saint need an explanation? Maybe they don't, I just wonder how this is going to effect families that are spread out in a district and some of the churches pull out and some don't. It will happen and it will cause family relationships to struggle. I know that for a fact.
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
Now that you know...is there a needed explanation to the saints? What if half of the district was pulling out? What if 5 large churches were pulling out and joining the new organization.

Does the saint need an explanation? Maybe they don't, I just wonder how this is going to effect families that are spread out in a district and some of the churches pull out and some don't. It will happen and it will cause family relationships to struggle. I know that for a fact.

Depending on the degree they will be affected then - yes. My hope would be that fellowship is not greatly hindered if their is division.
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:07 PM
PastorD PastorD is offline
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Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
True...It hasn't happened yet, but look at all of the endless conversations here on this forum alone about what if, how, and who. It is obviouse that there are big changes ahead for this organization.

What is frustrating is that this minister said there are no changes. Technically there are no changes......yet. But you and I both know this organization is in the process of a overhaul...it has been for several years. For this minister to tell this saint...nothing is happening is not being truthful. It made everyone else look like they were spreading lies. The things they were talking about where share by Their pastor to them. This is the division that is going on right now.
Harmony....I just think the Thread question is a stretch. With this and your other thread it is obvious you have some issues with pastors.

Why would pastors take up good service time to discuss what may or may not be. This particular pastor may be a lot like me......if Organization and Hazelwood burn down tomorrow our church rolls on because we are not building an Organization we are building a church in our city.
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:09 PM
Kings Kid Kings Kid is offline
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I believe that most of that pastors that's pulling may not tell their saints. I think that my church might be one to leave and we have not been told a thing about anything about G.C. But interesting I enough my pastor just finished a bible study on sin and he did bring up t.v. in it a few times.
When you read God's Word,you must costantly be saying to yourself,It is talking to me and about me. Soren Kierkegaard
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
What explanation should the pastors give to there saints in regards to the recent changes?

If you are a UPC member and you do not have access to the internet and do not have tv you are not going to know that a large amount of the organization is no longer there.

I have alot of family spread out in one district, attending several different upc churches. Some of the Pastors are being forthright and letting there congregations know that there are "Issues" in the Organization.

There was a family get together. All of the changes where being discussed, in regards to the "fallout". It was the first time one of the family members had heard anything about any fallout of the UPC. They went straight to the senior pastor and asked about it. He said that there are no changes going on in the UPC, No fallout whatsoever. He said whoever is filling your head with that nonsense is just spreading gossip and rumors. This person was very upset and called her family that she had the discussion with and scolded them for trying to cause division by spreading gossip.

What do you think a pastor needs to tell their congregation in regards to the "changes in the UPC". If you are a Pastor of a UPC church would you let us in on how you are handling this with your saints. Are you talking to them about it? Are you just going to let everyone figure it out on there own..thru hearsay?

It doesn't really speak well of this minister. He has held some of the highest positions you can hold in the upc, and for him to say that nothing is going on...has to be...untruthful. I will not believe for one second that He doesn't know in detail what is going on....It irks me that he is not being forthright about it. This person will believe him over what anyone in her family would tell her.

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Old 12-18-2007, 11:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Kings Kid View Post
I believe that most of that pastors that's pulling may not tell their saints. I think that my church might be one to leave and we have not been told a thing about anything about G.C. But interesting I enough my pastor just finished a bible study on sin and he did bring up t.v. in it a few times.
...of course, it was also accompanied by the internet as well.....right?!?
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover View Post
Depending on the degree they will be affected then - yes. My hope would be that fellowship is not greatly hindered if their is division.
I can't see how it won't be.
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:34 PM
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Originally Posted by PastorD View Post
Harmony....I just think the Thread question is a stretch. With this and your other thread it is obvious you have some issues with pastors.

Why would pastors take up good service time to discuss what may or may not be. This particular pastor may be a lot like me......if Organization and Hazelwood burn down tomorrow our church rolls on because we are not building an Organization we are building a church in our city.
I am a pk and former minsters wife. ALL of my family are in the upc. All in one district. In several different churches. An evengelist came to church A. and shared during a sermon of some of the "fallout" in the UPC. The family in church A told the family about it in Church B., they went to thier pastor and he was open with them and shared what he knew about the changes... As I already explained there was a get together and a family member from Church C had no clue of what was being shared with the other members...by pastors. She went to her pastor and he said there was nothing of the sort going on. The irony is that the pastor of church C. is a former superindendant and most definitely in the "know"...They attend GC as well as other organizational board meetings every year.

The family member from church C, was upset that the other family members would spread such gossip.... It wasn't gossip, it is a true fact that the UPC is going through a major change.

As far as you pointing out the fact that I have issues with pastors is incorrect. I have no issue with Pastors. I do not agree with the structure of the UPC in how they oversee thier leadership. I am a witness to many things that should not have taken place by leadership. If there was a structure known to the saints, a safe place to go to when they need guidance regarding the pastor...maybe some things wouldn't have happened....scares would not have to heal....deep scares. Go ahead and be-little me. Make me appear to be bitter and a in a backslidden state. It is much easier to do that, then to really look within the organization and see how it could be better.
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:42 PM
Kings Kid Kings Kid is offline
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Originally Posted by SoCaliUPC View Post
...of course, it was also accompanied by the internet as well.....right?!?
He I has a strong conviction on t.v. but not on the internet because I know he does use the net.
When you read God's Word,you must costantly be saying to yourself,It is talking to me and about me. Soren Kierkegaard
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Old 12-18-2007, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Kings Kid View Post
He I has a strong conviction on t.v. but not on the internet because I know he does use the net.
Thus the inconsistency. Genrally speaking, tt is not TV and Internet that are the "sin." To equate TV as sin...is adding to scripture. Generally speaking, at least be consistent with the "sin" that can be found on both....regulated (TV) and unregulated (internet).
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