As you help us we will help them find the answer to life´s most imporant question, "What must I do to be saved?"
Thank you for your prayers for us and for our children and the Thompsons, and Santos familiy and a host of Brazilians. Without your help we could not do what we are doing.
May the Giver of all good gifts bless you and reward you for loving enough to give and to pray.
Raul and Janice Alvear
P.O.Box 797
Jonesville, La. 71343
Someone asked me our greatest need today. Our son is up in the jungle with his van broke down. He needs your prayers and depends on the help of God´s people. Prayfor him. It is very dangerous where he is at.
Good night...and hope you enjoyed seeing a few of the Brazilian churches. That way you know where your mission dollars are going. It is a real work as you can see!