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Old 12-01-2016, 07:43 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by allstate1 View Post
Please reread Genesis 19:4. Tell me what "all the people" means to you.
"But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter."
It appears to be reiterating that ALL the men from every quarter of the city compassed the house. That's a lot of men.
Old 12-01-2016, 07:53 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
It appears to be reiterating that ALL the men from every quarter of the city compassed the house. That's a lot of men.
Well I read it as ALL the people. That would include females.
Old 12-01-2016, 07:58 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by allstate1 View Post
Well I read it as ALL the people. That would include females.
Enosh:man is a masculine noun.
Old 12-01-2016, 08:14 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
Enosh:man is a masculine noun.
Are you saying that the word people here is from the word enosh?
Old 12-01-2016, 08:36 AM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by allstate1 View Post
Are you saying that the word people here is from the word enosh?
I am saying that the text seems to be speaking of men and "all" people being men from every quarter. It doesn't say "the men, both young and old AND all the people". It seems to carry the idea that "all" the people were the men, both young and old. And "men" in that passage is defined as Enosh which is a masculine noun.
Old 12-01-2016, 01:12 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
I am saying that the text seems to be speaking of men and "all" people being men from every quarter. It doesn't say "the men, both young and old AND all the people". It seems to carry the idea that "all" the people were the men, both young and old. And "men" in that passage is defined as Enosh which is a masculine noun.
Old 12-01-2016, 02:15 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Oh well looks like I missed a party.
Old 12-01-2016, 03:38 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by allstate1 View Post
Oh well looks like I missed a party.
Which party, the one in Sodom?
Old 12-01-2016, 04:37 PM
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Church populations are far more interesting than sexual sins, real or otherwise.
Old 12-01-2016, 07:05 PM
GodIsGreat GodIsGreat is offline
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Re: UPCI Mega Churches???

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
If I did, and it was flat out false, I was quickly corrected. I don't go around posting Brother So and So allows Homosexual Pedophiles to teach Sunday School. Or Bishop Foofoofnick allows Lesbians to lead the choir. Without PROVING with evidence that these accusations are facts. You aren't doing that, but now send everyone off to find the evidence themselves? Are you for real? Or should I say how old are you? GodIsGreat? What does it look like? Why on earth does anyone other than YOU have to validate YOUR accusation? GIG, let's just put it on the record that you have no evidence for your statement.

Why am I not surprised?

Seriously? You are posting under an alias, there is no relationship. You are a phantom, a nameless, faceless, voice. The responsibility is all on your shoulders, you opened your mouth, you are stringing up the preacher, but you don't want to prove YOUR comment. A right relationship between parent and child? Bro, go back and reread my post. I wasn't attempting to give parental advice. Not by a long shot.

You are rolling down a road and leaving everyone behind. My man, dig this, you are posting under an alias, you make an accusation, the accusation is not good. Why? Because while there may be homosexuals found on the platform in Church history, this might not be the case with your story. Who are you? "Hey, Pastor Buffoonish has homosexuals in his leadership, Pastor Crackenbush has Pedophiles in his Nursery school and HE ALLOWS IT!" No one knows you, you are hidden, and in the safety of a computer screen you pour gas, and then light the match. You then log off, sign out, and walk away from your computer to have sweet fellowship with the Lord.

So, are you kidding me? You don't see anything wrong with that?

Really? Try this one on for size. Whoever spares the rod hates his child, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. Stupidity is tied up in the mind of a child, but the rod of correction drives it far from him. The first wrong is you making a baseless accusation, the second wrong is for us to remain quite.

Excuse me? You don't get it? You are invisible, you are nameless, you are posting in anonymity. You can post all sorts of crazy things and then sit back to relax.

That's why it is all on you sonny Jim, because you are the only one who knows who you are.

Big deal.

No, sorry, but the burden of proof is on you. As for me and my house, we will chalk it up to a disgruntled nameless individual using slander under the cloak anonymity.

Itching to know? Listen, I seriously believe that you don't know what I'm trying to tell you. There is no need for anyone to have to prove if your accusation is true. Why? Because all you have to do is provide the evidence. You want us to make phone calls, and knock doors, ask questions, do the research to only end up with egg on our face? How old are you? Obviously you just don't understand the power you possess. To throw something out there without a bit of evidence. An accusation which could cause issues which you will never lift a finger to remedy.

One of the biggest commonalities between people who refuse to access their brain power in it's totality. Is they make the grave mistake of assuming everybody is just like them.

Just because you have and perhaps still will let something false leak out of the whole in your face, doesn't mean everyone else does.

I merely made a true statement, hoping to get some insight from someone serious and intelligent, who could either relate, or perhaps even provide another perspective on the situation.

I was not looking for a immature forum junkie who's intoxicated with himself and seems to get a kick out of attempted to make people feel stupid with his outdated "humor".

I don't need to prove anything. My goal was not to convince you or anyone here on the forum. Like I said, I merely made a true statement, hoping to get some insight from someone serious and intelligent, who could either relate, or perhaps even provide another perspective on the situation.

I didn't send anyone off to do nothing. Did you go dig up the info for yourself? Probably not.

Your "record" is your record, feel free to put anything on it buddy! That freedom is afforded to you.

You must live on a 'gory details of gossip' diet.

BTW, it'll probably do you some good to take a fast from this forum. Or perhaps make up your mind NOT to be a lifer here. A good long forum detox might do you some good!

Let me help you flash.

shoo (ʃuː)
go away!: used to drive away unwanted or annoying people, animals, etc
vb, shoos, shooing or shooed
1. (tr) to drive away by or as if by crying "shoo."
2. (intr) to cry "shoo."

That my friend is disrespect, even to a child.

Proverbs 13:24, the scripture you provided to justify shooing a child away is speaking of discipline not disrespect.

Also, I know that you weren't referring to parenting ... you set yourself up for that one bud!

If me stating a fact, is "stringing up" a preacher, then preachers string up preachers (not all), saints string up saints, preachers string up saints, and vice versa.

Really dude? Get Real.

Go back and re-read your post?? Ain't no body gots time fo dat!

Your right my accusation is not good. HOWEVER, it's true.

Pour gas, and then light a match? Dude, that's pretty extreme and sick thinking. If it matters to you, read my original post, then read the follow up from those who followed up.

EB, their are people who exist who have much more valuable things to do with their time than to post all kinds of crazy things, and sit back and relax. What a fulfilling life dude! Wow!


Last edited by GodIsGreat; 12-01-2016 at 08:18 PM.
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