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Old 08-06-2008, 03:21 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
You explain away your own lusts and the disrepect towards women using the Bible to do it. I find that shameful and sad. Remember how the Pharisees interpreted scripture to their own benefit and Jesus rebuked them and interpreted it in such a way that was righteous? The Pharisees hated Jesus, called him all manner of things and crucified him because he exposed their lusts cloaked behind religion. I find the same thing here. I find men using scripture to degrade women instead of lift them up, using it to excuse their own lusts, using it to give themselves privelege and deny the same privelege to the women.

Here is an example of a woman who escaped polygamy.


I know the men here for it will say it doesn't have to be that way....but the end result of polygamy, although it may not be abuse, will always leave women second class citizens with fewer rights than men and unfulfilled in their relationships. Why a God-fearing man would want that and/or promote it in any fashion is beyond me.

This is my last post on the subject because I simply find it too disturning to think that men in the Apostolic church would fight for this supposedly based on the "Bible" to back it up. You can back up anything you want if you twist your views hard enough. Like I said, I don't find polygamy a sin as in making someone hellbound, I simply find it ignorant to promote as a good thing to do and ignorant to believe that polygamy can be an ideal.
All very good points.

But before judging polygamy in the Bible harshly I think we have view it in the context of biblical times...not in our modern context. Today there's no need for it. But in biblical times it was far better than the alternative that women faced.

The question that would have to be asked is what would be more degrading to women in a biblical context...polygamous marriage with rights, entitlements, and protections or being forced into slavery or prostitution? Men in the Old Testament might consider a strictly monogamous person who could marry additional women and didn't someone who didn't care enough about women to protect them from exploitation.
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:29 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Tyk View Post
I've read the whole thread, including all your posts. Didn't you already explain how it wouldn't be adultery or fornication?

If those are indeed sins in that situation, was Abraham in sin(due to his wife's handmaid)? And all the other biblical examples that have been mentioned thus far?

So do you view it as a sin?
I think that an open marriage could be regarded as sinful. I don't think polygamy would be inherently sinful in and of itself. The difference is Abraham took Sarah's servant Hagar as an additional "wife". This protected her socially and would have granted her entitlements being part of the family. In a very real sense Abraham and Sarah's treatment of Hagar was very harsh considering it was their idea and she was a "wife". Being a "wife" also ensured the woman's children some protections. But with open marriage, there isn't any contractual responsibility. If a couple chose to open their marriage to additional people or another woman there are no protections for that person. Also any children resulting from relations are illegitamate and are not covered by any social contract or entitlement to protection or family provisions. Even a concubine had certain rights under biblical law. So while polygamy may not be sin in and of itself...an open marriage would fail the test.
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:32 PM
Tyk Tyk is offline
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Aquila View Post
I think that an open marriage could be regarded as sinful. I don't think polygamy would be inherently sinful in and of itself. The difference is Abraham took Sarah's servant Hagar as an additional "wife". This protected her socially and would have granted her entitlements being part of the family. In a very real sense Abraham and Sarah's treatment of Hagar was very harsh considering it was their idea and she was a "wife". Being a "wife" also ensured the woman's children some protections. But with open marriage, there isn't any contractual responsibility. If a couple chose to open their marriage to additional people or another woman there are no protections for that person. Also any children resulting from relations are illegitamate and are not covered by any social contract or entitlement to protection or family provisions. Even a concubine had certain rights under biblical law. So while polygamy may not be sin in and of itself...an open marriage would fail the test.
Ok well I may have misunderstood the exact terms. Yes, marriage as in taking another "wife", not just an additional sex partner, that would very much be sin in my eyes. (meaning biblicly to my understanding)
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:33 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
This is my last post on the subject because I simply find it too disturning to think that men in the Apostolic church would fight for this supposedly based on the "Bible" to back it up. You can back up anything you want if you twist your views hard enough. Like I said, I don't find polygamy a sin as in making someone hellbound, I simply find it ignorant to promote as a good thing to do and ignorant to believe that polygamy can be an ideal.
I agree 100%
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:39 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

I have not read this thread but the bottom line is that polygmy is too expensive!!!

I can't afford to keep one woman happy must less additional ones!

(I do admit that the idea of graduating the older ones to housekeeping duty and getting a new younger one for ...er.....other activities every few years does have it's appeal - LOL!!!!)
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:44 PM
Dr. Vaughn

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by ILG View Post
You explain away your own lusts and the disrepect towards women using the Bible to do it. I find that shameful and sad. Remember how the Pharisees interpreted scripture to their own benefit and Jesus rebuked them and interpreted it in such a way that was righteous? The Pharisees hated Jesus, called him all manner of things and crucified him because he exposed their lusts cloaked behind religion. I find the same thing here. I find men using scripture to degrade women instead of lift them up, using it to excuse their own lusts, using it to give themselves privelege and deny the same privelege to the women.

Here is an example of a woman who escaped polygamy.


I know the men here for it will say it doesn't have to be that way....but the end result of polygamy, although it may not be abuse, will always leave women second class citizens with fewer rights than men and unfulfilled in their relationships. Why a God-fearing man would want that and/or promote it in any fashion is beyond me.

This is my last post on the subject because I simply find it too disturning to think that men in the Apostolic church would fight for this supposedly based on the "Bible" to back it up. You can back up anything you want if you twist your views hard enough. Like I said, I don't find polygamy a sin as in making someone hellbound, I simply find it ignorant to promote as a good thing to do and ignorant to believe that polygamy can be an ideal.
For all of these women you put a video out for.. I can show you hundreds more who love their lives and have chosen to stay
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by Dr. Vaughn View Post
For all of these women you put a video out for.. I can show you hundreds more who love their lives and have chosen to stay
What do your wives think?
"I think some people love spiritual bondage just the way some people love physical bondage. It makes them feel secure. In the end though it is not healthy for the one who is lost over it or the one who is lives under the oppression even if by their own choice"

Titus2woman on AF

"We did not wear uniforms. The lady workers dressed in the current fashions of the day, ...silks...satins...jewels or whatever they happened to possess. They were very smartly turned out, so that they made an impressive appearance on the streets where a large part of our work was conducted in the early years.

"It was not until long after, when former Holiness preachers had become part of us, that strict plainness of dress began to be taught.

"Although Entire Sanctification was preached at the beginning of the Movement, it was from a Wesleyan viewpoint, and had in it very little of the later Holiness Movement characteristics. Nothing was ever said about apparel, for everyone was so taken up with the Lord that mode of dress seemingly never occurred to any of us."

Quote from Ethel Goss (widow of 1st UPC Gen Supt. Howard Goss) book "The Winds of God"
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:47 PM
Rico Rico is offline
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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I have not read this thread but the bottom line is that polygmy is too expensive!!!

I can't afford to keep one woman happy must less additional ones!

(I do admit that the idea of graduating the older ones to housekeeping duty and getting a new younger one for ...er.....other activities every few years does have it's appeal - LOL!!!!)
CC1, you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooo not right it ain't even funny! GO PRAY!
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:52 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
I have not read this thread but the bottom line is that polygmy is too expensive!!!

I can't afford to keep one woman happy must less additional ones!

(I do admit that the idea of graduating the older ones to housekeeping duty and getting a new younger one for ...er.....other activities every few years does have it's appeal - LOL!!!!)
No way! LOL
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Old 08-06-2008, 03:53 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Polygamy in the Bible

Originally Posted by CC1 View Post
What do your wives think?
My wife wants me out of her hair and somone to help with the house work.
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