Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple
You were saying if one teaches false doctrine he will be lost. I asked if that held as true for pre trib teachers as it does for false standards teachers.
Ah, gotcha - it was late, and my brain was fried.
First - all I did was take Epley's words and change them up a little bit to reflect the converse side. To be honest, I'm not quite as staunch on it as he is, he is the one who made the statement that "anyone who teaches that its ok for a woman to cut her hair is a false prophet, and has secured their spot in hell" (paraphrase).........
My thoughts are that there are several different interpretations of scripture that one could adhere to, and most of those things have absolutely nothing to do with salvation. If you believe a Christmas tree is wrong, that's your prerogative. If you believe that the tribulation will take place post or pre trib, to me, that's not a salvation issue, because none of us really even know until it happens.
But, when you make a statement that any issue such as the ones stated above are directly related to one's salvation, and any preacher who preaches otherwise is a false prophet and will go to hell for preaching it, then you've crossed a line.
I basically used Epley's words against him.