You explain away your own lusts and the disrepect towards women using the Bible to do it. I find that shameful and sad. Remember how the Pharisees interpreted scripture to their own benefit and Jesus rebuked them and interpreted it in such a way that was righteous? The Pharisees hated Jesus, called him all manner of things and crucified him because he exposed their lusts cloaked behind religion. I find the same thing here. I find men using scripture to degrade women instead of lift them up, using it to excuse their own lusts, using it to give themselves privelege and deny the same privelege to the women.
Here is an example of a woman who escaped polygamy.
I know the men here for it will say it doesn't have to be that way....but the end result of polygamy, although it may not be abuse, will always leave women second class citizens with fewer rights than men and unfulfilled in their relationships. Why a God-fearing man would want that and/or promote it in any fashion is beyond me.
This is my last post on the subject because I simply find it too disturning to think that men in the Apostolic church would fight for this supposedly based on the "Bible" to back it up. You can back up anything you want if you twist your views hard enough. Like I said, I don't find polygamy a sin as in making someone hellbound, I simply find it ignorant to promote as a good thing to do and ignorant to believe that polygamy can be an ideal.