Originally Posted by LaGirl
How are all the mothers to be doing????
I had a strange experience last week. I was driving on the freeway when I lost my sight completely in my right eye and was seeing blue spots in my left. I quickly got on back roads and was just going to pull over. Then I decided I better just head for the emergency room. After 25 minutes my sight started to come back. By the time that got me into the exam room 30 minutes later my sight went again this time for almost 2 hours. Then my sight started to come back slowly. I have my peripheral vision, but my center vision is gone, with the exception of one spot in the middle. They don't expect me to get all of my sight back.
I had an eye stroke due to an ocular migraine. This is a very rare occurrence and the eye doctor I saw hadn't saw it in his 23 years of practice. The odds of this happening again are like lighting striking twice in the same place.
Ocular migraines are common for pregnant women due to the hormonal changes.