
11-13-2007, 10:01 AM
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Good morning ladies and Ron!
Its a sad, but good, eventful yet boring morning here in our house. My wonderful hubby had to leave to go to work this morning... sad he wont be home for thanksgiving but thats ok cuz we are having our family thanksgiving a few days late because of him... but I still miss him!
The kids of course always waiting till the last minute to get stuff finished! My daughter came to me at 8:30 this morning screaming OMG I need a flash drive I have to take this power point to present at school this morning! And could I find any of them?!? OH NO of course not! So I had to give her my old one I used for church! Oh how I hate end of 6 weeks at school!
So I came home after taking her to school at 9 *10 min late of course* and sat down on the couch in front of the tv and peeled and diced 2 dozen pears for pear bread I am making for my grandma and for the holidays (people beg for it once its made so I just make it all at once that way I dont have to keep making more batches of it!) and now I am heading to the kitchen to shred up some zucchini to make bread with it too and then I am done for the day and can just sit an chill!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!

11-13-2007, 10:05 AM
My two little angels!
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Location: Indiana
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Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Good morning ladies and Ron!
Its a sad, but good, eventful yet boring morning here in our house. My wonderful hubby had to leave to go to work this morning... sad he wont be home for thanksgiving but thats ok cuz we are having our family thanksgiving a few days late because of him... but I still miss him!
The kids of course always waiting till the last minute to get stuff finished! My daughter came to me at 8:30 this morning screaming OMG I need a flash drive I have to take this power point to present at school this morning! And could I find any of them?!? OH NO of course not! So I had to give her my old one I used for church! Oh how I hate end of 6 weeks at school!
So I came home after taking her to school at 9 *10 min late of course* and sat down on the couch in front of the tv and peeled and diced 2 dozen pears for pear bread I am making for my grandma and for the holidays (people beg for it once its made so I just make it all at once that way I dont have to keep making more batches of it!) and now I am heading to the kitchen to shred up some zucchini to make bread with it too and then I am done for the day and can just sit an chill!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Oh! I feel for you! I peeled only 7 pears last night to make them for Ariel and I was whining. I hate to peel stuff!
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
Where The Grace Of God Will Not Protect You

11-13-2007, 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by QueenEsther
Does anyone on here like to go to Football games? I have never been to one - mainly because I hate to be out in the cold. But our anniversary is this weekend and I bought IU vs. Purdue football tickets awhile back as a suprise for my hubby, so we are going this shopping out of town this weekend and then to the game on Saturday. I think it will fun if I can stay warm enough! It will be nice just to get away for a short time with just us two, I can't remember that last time we did that.
Dress warm, and take a thermos with hot cocolater or coffee...have fun! Depending on if your team is winning or not...I guess determines the amount of excitment involved...I have not been to a game in many years...but it was fun.

11-14-2007, 10:49 AM
My two little angels!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Indiana
Posts: 1,101
I need to spill my guts for a few minutes.......
I need your prayers.....my little brother - who is now 20, is not doing very well at all. I believe it started back when he was around 13....my dad had a brain tumor and then brain surgery and he was "out of it" pretty much for about 5 years and during those years they just didn't keep close enough tabs on my lil bro. he got caught up in the wrong crowd and was introduced to drinking and worst of all, pot. He got caught off and on with pot or cigarettes his whole teenage life, but he was/is an expert liar, and my parents would just listen to what he had to say (lies) and go on because they just simply had too much stress in their lives at that time - due to my dad's medical problems they were going under financially and had to close their business - the only income they had. They lost everything but their house and their car and if they ever try to move they will not get money due to owing the IRS. Before I go on I just want to clarify that my parents are WONDERFUL people - they have always been very spiritual and honest and during all this they kept believing that God would give them a miracle and heal my father and turn all this around.....well, needless to say he had the surgery + chemo and radiation and the business closed. During all this my mom had a dream and she felt that God told her that after the dust settled they would be amazed. So she clung to that hope. In the meantime my brother is off doing his own thing - and none of us knew how bad it was. He ended up getting his girlfriend pregnant - and that was a mess!!! But we all got through it, they are no longer together. And over the past year he has realllllly went down hill. He is out partying all the time, he has been arrested twice and to the emergency room once due to being drunk. He is almost always high when you talk to him but of course he denies it - he is a habitual liar. And he is now moving out of my parents house this week, they have always let him stay hoping that this was just a phase and that their influence would help him.
So, like I said my parents are wonderful people and they have raised us all the same in a very Godly home, going to church every service, having prayer meetings in the home, we all went to a Christian school and learned the Bible through and through. We are a close family and this is killing us. The saddest part is that I feel that everyone at our church has just wrote him off like he is just rebellious so just forget him. But he is really a sweet tender person, he has never rasied his voice to anyone, he won't say a bad word about anyone and I think he is moving out becuase it kills him to know what he is doing to my parents. I honestly think he has just been living like this since he was a young teen and it has just gotten to the point that he can't hide it anymore. I cry and pray for him all the time because he is going to get himself in a bad sitatuation. he is a little guy and he avoids confrontation but when you are in the lifestyle he is in and running with the crowd he is running with you are setting yourself up for disaster. And his poor daughter is also going to suffer as a result of this.
Anyways, I am just torn apart because I don't know what to do. I have been praying and fasting for him and nothing happens. He just keeps going further and further and I am just heartbroken. I feel that there is no point in trying to get him to come around to church because no one reaches out to him except the same few - his friends and family. I just don't know what to do. Please keep him and our family in your prayers - especially through these holidays, they are going to be rough.
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
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11-14-2007, 11:01 AM
Join Date: Feb 2007
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QE, I will keep him and your entire family in my prayers.
I can't imagine how hard that must be. My former pastor and his wife have a son who is pretty much just like you described your brother. He was raised right, and no matter how much fasting and prayer has been done for him-- it seems like all hope is lost.  Just keep hanging on, knowing that God has seen every tear you have shed-- and he's heard every prayer you have prayed. Sometimes he just chooses to answer in his own time, not our time. Don't give up. It's not too late to see a change.
Love ya sis...

11-14-2007, 11:45 AM
My two little angels!
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Originally Posted by Tina
QE, I will keep him and your entire family in my prayers.
I can't imagine how hard that must be. My former pastor and his wife have a son who is pretty much just like you described your brother. He was raised right, and no matter how much fasting and prayer has been done for him-- it seems like all hope is lost.  Just keep hanging on, knowing that God has seen every tear you have shed-- and he's heard every prayer you have prayed. Sometimes he just chooses to answer in his own time, not our time. Don't give up. It's not too late to see a change.
Love ya sis...
Thank you Tina, it means alot and is very encouraging when you know you have people helping you pray.
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
Where The Grace Of God Will Not Protect You

11-14-2007, 03:22 PM
My two little angels!
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Location: Indiana
Posts: 1,101
I just talked to my mom and she said that my brother is in a repentative state right now because Monday night he was drunk and took a huge chunk out of his hand or arm or something like that and had to go to the hospital so, he is being a little more "normal" and today he has actually spent the whole day with his daughter! My mom has been having some heart to hear talks with him on how his daughter needs him etc... he seems to be in agreance however, he is always like this after he gets hurt or arrested! So, we'll see how long it lasts. Tomorrow is his birthday and we are all getting together - I just wish he would realize his family loves him and we are just looking out for his well-being not trying to just tell him what to do all the time.
Anyways.....it sure is quiet around here today. I have to work till 7 and after 5 it gets reallllly boring around here.
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
Where The Grace Of God Will Not Protect You

11-14-2007, 04:33 PM
Dear QE...somtimes the best and hardest thing to do it let someone go...
I had to let my husband throw our son out when he was 17...it was so hard, we didn't know where he was for several months....but in the long run it was the best thing for him...it forced him to be responsible for himself...I am not saying it happened over night...as mom was killed me, but my husband as a dad knew he needed it...
As an example of bailing kids out...my in laws were just the sweetest people and would give you anything, their oldest son took advantage of that, forever borrowing and even stealing from his parents...his kids were the same...to the day they died, he never really showed them respect or paid back all he owed them...I could go on for pages about the things that happened!~
When you pray you need to believe and give it over to God, and let him go and let God deal with it...we tend to get in God's way!

11-14-2007, 04:43 PM
My two little angels!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Indiana
Posts: 1,101
Originally Posted by Sister Truth Seeker
Dear QE...somtimes the best and hardest thing to do it let someone go...
I had to let my husband throw our son out when he was 17...it was so hard, we didn't know where he was for several months....but in the long run it was the best thing for him...it forced him to be responsible for himself...I am not saying it happened over night...as mom was killed me, but my husband as a dad knew he needed it...
As an example of bailing kids out...my in laws were just the sweetest people and would give you anything, their oldest son took advantage of that, forever borrowing and even stealing from his parents...his kids were the same...to the day they died, he never really showed them respect or paid back all he owed them...I could go on for pages about the things that happened!~
When you pray you need to believe and give it over to God, and let him go and let God deal with it...we tend to get in God's way!
I know......it is just VERY hard to do. He is the baby of the family and it shows. That is what we have been telling my mom "just let him go and do his thing" maybe it will help him to really realize what is out there.
The Will Of God Will Never Take You
Where The Grace Of God Will Not Protect You

11-14-2007, 04:43 PM
My two little angels!
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Indiana
Posts: 1,101
Well, it is about time for me to leave for this evening......now I get to go to our Finance Class. I'll be checking in tomorrow!
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