Originally Posted by Monarchianism
With Suspicion?
What for?
I struggled mightily on the wording of this last one. I think I must have been attempting to make it too brief.
There is a culture war going on, and part of it involves disrupting and/or inverting the natural relationship between the sexes.
Western women cannot help but be steeped in the memes of feminism, and anymore the radical streaks of this movement are no longer hidden in the wings.
Women who do not even consider themselves feminists hold countercultural, unnatural, ungodly views without even realizing it, simply because it is impossible for them to become un-immersed in the culture. 50 years have passed since the 1960s.
Some women opine and advise men on what they should do/say/become to fit the mold of a "real man." I daresay it is rare that these women actually know. (but perhaps not among fundamentalist Christians) Even if they read my post, or other such lists, they wouldn't truly understand. It is hard to understand something that one can never become, and that also scarcely exists anymore.
Of these misguided advisors, I recommended suspicion.
There is a second type of woman, rarer still, who preys upon men who are weak-minded or not confident, and attempts to psychologically manipulate them for their own personal gain.
Of these monstrous tormentors, I now recommend evasive maneuvers.
Nature hates a vacuum, and in the absence of manly, self-confident men who assert authority I think more and more women find themselves tempted to try the second.
Some girls say things carelessly or just for fun, but aren't seriously attempting to persuade psychological changes.