i usually dont address my lib brother directly but i cant let this go, ch you have no business interpreting what others mean or what they are saying, dont put words in others mouths or posts, speak for yourself, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
Dude. This isn't a partician thing. Both Republicans and Democrats have done black people wrong.
And yet as H.O. has stated and been ignored, the worst is the black on black crime. Beginning with the black muslims who were the slave traders in Africa, and are among the few who still perpetuate it to this day. Where is the demand for apology from them??
It's the liberal concept of reparations and entitlements which harm the blacks more than the isolated and relatively rare white on black baises which exist in the United States. Get a grip, white slave holders were an extreme minority, and last I read it was NOT a slave rebellion which ended slavery it was white man's blood.
The victim mentality is a tool used by liberals to garner votes and ease mythical "white man's burden". Race bias is indeed alive and well in the good ole US of A, and it is often manifest from the blacks toward the whites.
Mexican/Anglo relations where strained in Texas. Atrocities committed. But the past is the past there.
If logic doesn't move you try statistics. Mexican Americans are according to statistics the highest number of victims of crime based solely on race, but we don't hear of these types of postings.
Why??? Even though CURRENTLY they face such bias? Because they have not succumbed to a professional victim mentality propagated by their leaders and liberal whites.
Yes, 1399, but enough is enough. How many years and how much money do they need to move on? What would be enough? Nothing is ever going to be enough when it's dwelt on forever.
In one war, the blood of over 600k men was spilled to end the atrocities. That's not including the exponential numbers of those who also spilled their blood since that war.
You'd think that would be payment enough. I'm failing to see how my apology for something I personally know nothing about will do more than the blood shed by my ancestors who were there and saw it firsthand.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
i usually dont address my lib brother directly but i cant let this go, ch you have no business interpreting what others mean or what they are saying, dont put words in others mouths or posts, speak for yourself, dt
I believe he was stating what Digging's statements would be interpreted as-- not what he/she said. Again this dialogue is good because it helps folks to get to the core of stuff.
"The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character."
I believe he was stating what Digging's statements would be interpreted as-- not what he/she said. Again this dialogue is good because it helps folks to get to the core of stuff.
that may be true brother, but he needs to chill, people need the respect and right to say what they feel and be taken at there word, not subject to anothers translation, chris has a habit of doing that to people, he needs to out of respect stop, dt
A product of a pentecostal raisin, I am a hard man, just ask my children
H1, by and large slavery in 1865 was a race issue. sure you can point to any number of exceptions to the rule. but that does NOT disprove the rule.
Slavery was a race issue. When slavery ended, free blacks where met with suspision, fear, rage and violence... because they were black. There blackness was the distinguishing feature.
while a very small number of people owned slaves the entirety of the United States of America, before the war, allowed black slavery to exist.
The founding fathers knew that the great hole in the American experiment was slavery. they knew that his was one of the major problems and many held their breaths waiting for the time when it would break the Union.
Andrew Jackson spent his entire political carreer trying to put off the collision over the issue of slavery.
This is part of the problem
White people try to downplay the reality of racism in America and it seems at least in some quarters, some African Americans are trying to down play the gains that have been made in the last 40 years.
We talk past each other, never giving ear to the reality of each's experience.
Ferd, I love talking to you. I wish I had your knowledge.
But I think you misunderstood my point. I wasn't saying that it wasn't about race, but I wonder when it became a racial issue. It could have been that way from the beginning, but since slavery existed with even white folks being slaves for hundreds and even thousands of years prior to the blacks being slaves in this country, I wonder if it started out being a racial issue.
Also, as you probably know, it was black merchants that sold many of those black slaves to their new owners. I'm sure we cannot claim that those blacks had a racial issue in doing that.
Regardless, there is no doubt that at some point it became a racial issue. Sadly, this card is still played today in places where it no longer exists.
I've been pulled over by black cops before. I've received tickets from black cops before. But never once has it crossed my mind that it was because I'm white that they did those actions. Yet I know white people in authority who are afraid to do much with black people under them because their actions are brought into question by the race card being played.
I've gone and done it now! I'm on Facebook!!!
Dude. This isn't a partisian thing. Both Republicans and Democrats have done black people wrong.
True....actually everyone on the planet has done the black people wrong, including and especially blacks...While Whites in SA kept them down we had genocide with blacks on blacks in other places....and nobody from the UN did a thing.
Here in America there are a lot of successful blacks and the excuse that the white man is keeping them down is less of a credible excuse though racism STILL is alive and well. It is just not as systematic as it once was.
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