Originally Posted by chaotic_resolve
I've never been a fan of MC's music. True story. It's too white and contemporary for my taste. I like either Hillsong United (youth rock band) or black gospel music.
Isn't RP Trinitarian?
Chaotic, from what I have been told by people that know him and have been associated with him is that he affirms a oneness stance. I was also lead to believe he is not as "hard core" as some oneness people. Also I have heard he is not as hard on people as some have stated. Although things change.
There is a couple of people I know that were in the ALJC that left that organization and at one time went to RP's church. I think they still go there. The truth is that I can not blame MC for taking the job. Like many have already said it could be a good stepping stone out of the UPC ranks.
I am sure that he has made a good choice, but only time will tell. I do agree some of the people on here that MC is not too much of a shockamoo'er. Although MC is not my fav, he does good music. Lets see if RP and MC can make a good duo.