Originally Posted by Mr. Steinway
He announced this past Sunday that he will preach a sermon about "where CC is headed (CC's future)" this coming Sunday. This came after an assistant preached a sermon telling everyone to stop complaining and accept change. Wouldn't you know it...I'll be in New York this weekend! I'm sure I'll hear all about it when I get back!
Concerning the robe, I was told DS was upset when a friend of ours asked him to NOT wear a robe when he performed their wedding!
I'm not making a knee-jerk decision to leave just yet! I'll give it to the end of the year to see how things pan out first. Unless.....another shoe falls!
All I am saying is, if I were a PCI kind of guy pastoring in Nashville, I would be sending out a letter "We still hold to the old path!"
In all seriousness. I dont know that I would leave. At least not at first. I think I would be vocal about what my church has always stood for, figure out who the lay leadership is and talk to them and see if anyone is left who holds to the teachings that founded the church.
Then if there was no way to demand the church stay the course, leaving might be the only option. But if it was my church and the leadership was changing what has always been the founding doctrines of the church, I think I would fight.