Since God is a Spirit, isn't it possible to worship and pray to Him in our spirit? Hannah prayed in her heart (spirit) for a child. The Bible says her lips moved, but no sound came from her mouth for she was praying in her heart (spirit). Obviously, God heard her prayer, for she had a child. It's possible this woman who had cancer prayed in tongues in her heart. I know it's possible because I have done so.
Hanna was in the old Testament. The Holy Ghost wasn't given then. There was a literal Temple. Now ONLY those that have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues are the temple of God. No if, and, or buts about it. Gods words do not lie.
Hanna was in the old Testament. The Holy Ghost wasn't given then. There was a literal Temple. Now ONLY those that have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues are the temple of God. No if, and, or buts about it. Gods words do not lie.
I know His Word doesn't lie, but does His word even say that?
Hanna was in the old Testament. The Holy Ghost wasn't given then. There was a literal Temple. Now ONLY those that have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues are the temple of God. No if, and, or buts about it. Gods words do not lie.
I have never said or even hinted that I believe the damming doctrine that is subscribe to by many on this site. I have never once said one can go to heaven without the name of Jesus in baptism, with out the Holy Ghost by the evidence of speaking in tongues.
There are those that say they believe Acts 2:38, that each step must be obeyed, that one must speak in tongues to go to heaven yet they will run with any dog that will trot. I remember Sammie Kline a powerful man of God. A man that would say be healed and right before your eyes the person would be healed. I am not talking about headaches but tumors as big as basketballs, arms crooked and drawn straighten right before our eyes. A man who stopped preaching the truth because there was not enough money.He began going to easy believe, saved at repentance churches for money.
I'm sorry I refuse to prostitute my self for money or by compromise and worship with those that claim to be apostolic yet preach a different message than Peter preached.
When I think of how many times in Acts Peter went to the temple or a synagogue to preach them the message of salvation... Not to mention Paul going to that idolatrous place on Mars' Hill... No wonder Christianity is a mess today. It's first preachers even prostituted themselves!
When I think of how many times in Acts Peter went to the temple or a synagogue to preach them the message of salvation... Not to mention Paul going to that idolatrous place on Mars' Hill... No wonder Christianity is a mess today. It's first preachers even prostituted themselves!
Well, at least they never preached in a strip club!
When I think of how many times in Acts Peter went to the temple or a synagogue to preach them the message of salvation... Not to mention Paul going to that idolatrous place on Mars' Hill... No wonder Christianity is a mess today. It's first preachers even prostituted themselves!
You seem to be misinformed. I am not talking about going to a Trinity church and preaching, if they allow you to preach the truth. I go the min. they ask. I am talking about churches that claim to be oneness Jesus name churches that tell the damnably lie that one is saved when they repent. That one can go to heaven without being baptized in Jesus name. To churches that claim to be apostolic yet preach a different doctrine than Peter.
Hanna was in the old Testament. The Holy Ghost wasn't given then. There was a literal Temple. Now ONLY those that have been baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues are the temple of God. No if, and, or buts about it. Gods words do not lie.
You may have missed my point? Just as we are able to pray in our minds, our hearts, we are also able to pray in tongues in our minds, our hearts. I have. Perhaps this woman also did. God hears our silent prayers. I'm sure He is also able to hear us speaking in tongues silently in our hearts.
You seem to be misinformed. I am not talking about going to a Trinity church and preaching, if they allow you to preach the truth. I go the min. they ask. I am talking about churches that claim to be oneness Jesus name churches that tell the damnably lie that one is saved when they repent. That one can go to heaven without being baptized in Jesus name. To churches that claim to be apostolic yet preach a different doctrine than Peter.
I knew that you meant people who believe Acts 2:38 but don't go quite to the extent you do. Wasn't sure if you meant one-step/three-step or standards... I spent over ten years in churches that wouldn't fellowship other churches that believed in baptism in Jesus name and one God due to differences of opinion about one thing or another. And I felt that way for a few years myself.
So... a question... Will a person in a one step church who repented and believed they were saved at that point, but "followed the Lord on" in baptism and has received the Holy Ghost be kept from Heaven? Is one step really a worse doctrine than trinity?
I knew that you meant people who believe Acts 2:38 but don't go quite to the extent you do. Wasn't sure if you meant one-step/three-step or standards... I spent over ten years in churches that wouldn't fellowship other churches that believed in baptism in Jesus name and one God due to differences of opinion about one thing or another. And I felt that way for a few years myself.
So... a question...#1 Will a person in a one step church who repented and believed they were saved at that point, but "followed the Lord on" in baptism and has received the Holy Ghost be kept from Heaven?
#2 Is one step really a worse doctrine than trinity?
#1 I am not God so I will not say one way or the other on a saint but I will say the man or woman that teaches one is saved at repentance won't. They are responsible for what they teach.
#2 Yes sister it is far worse doctrine. There have been many who have died thinking they were saved and never were baptized or received the HG. What makes it worse is they might have gone on and obeyed acts 2:38 if someone with a backbone would have told them it was necessary.