Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Raul Jr was a c section 33 years ago...water to the hospital was piped in from the local river!
The doctor thought I would die because mother brought me ice...back then they thought ice was deadly for just about anyone in a hospital! He did nnot seem to worry about the dirty water.
I am SO glad things have changed! My mother told me that when my oldest sister was born in St. Louis in 1953, she was strapped (yes, strapped down) flat to a metal gurney in a hallway full of other women in labor.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone
"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."
--Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass, Song of the Open Road
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
years ago I delivered a few babies in Brazil...that is not my calling...only have to cases. In fact it is really against the law to have babies at home in brazil.
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Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Our hospitals lack many things but we do have sweet doctors. I have had 3 operations over the years...One a c section, gall blatter and a breast operation.
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.
If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
Facebook Janice LaVaun Taylor Alvear
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Those of you expecting.. I know most its not their first child but if you are registered would you please put that info if you dont mind in case those who might want to get something for the little ones could do so???
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW
Why would you have this? (what reason would you be opened for a C-Section and then deliver vaginally I mean) I've never heard of it before.
no no no no.... another child... not same baby...
Have one baby c section then go and decide to have the next or rest natural... I had a c section and my last were both natural and wouldnt trade for the world!
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
Originally Posted by Mrs. LPW
Why would you have this? (what reason would you be opened for a C-Section and then deliver vaginally I mean) I've never heard of it before.
If you have an emergency c-section then then you can't have a vback. If you have a transverse cut then it is safe to do a vback. A vaginal birth is natural and what you body is made to do. A c-section is a wonderful thing if a normal birth is not available, but it is very hard on your body. They remove your insides and put them back and tack up your bladder and other things. Over time this takes quite a toll on your body. I don't believe c-sections should be done unless absolutely necessary. A lot of doctors don't want to wait for a baby to be born so they have the women induced with pitossin which is harmful and can cause rupture. When the women don't go into labor they then decide they need c-sections. Doctors make more money on c-sections then they do a normal delivery. Many c-sections are pushed that are unnecessary. My sixth child had one foot stuck in my pelvis and one foot stuck in my rib cage there is no way she would have come out naturally. Thank God for c-sections. I just think they need to be done for the right reasons.
One doctor wanted to watch a football game and got impatient. He used forceps to get the baby out. The forceps tore the baby's ear and cut it's face, all because the doctor is impatient. Most women do not understand the birthing process and believe whatever the doctors tell them. I did with my first one and ended up with a c-section and never wanting another child. I had a friend educate me on the whole birthing experience and now have 7 with another one on the way. I actually love to go through labor and look forward to it. It is natural, normal and the way God made it. I have had really good doctors too, but I love having a home birth with a midwife. I won't be able to have any more home births but I am excited about doing a vback in the hospital.
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
i will take a c-section any day! lol i had to have one with my son. i had fribriod tumors. one was as big as my sons head. i would have never gone into labor. i didnt have a hard time with the c-section at all. i like having it planned. i guess i am a chicken where labor is
Re: The Romper Room (All AFF Expectant Parents kee
are any of you having trouble sleeping???? it seems i wake up almost every morning around 4am. cant go back to sleep!!!!!!!! it is starting to wear me down too. i have cramps in my legs and my back hurts. i think the baby must be on a nerve. i am going to the dr wed. maybe he can tell me something. AND THE BATHROOM VISITS........TOOOOOO MANY DURING THE NIGHT!!!!!! lol