Originally Posted by Zog Has-fallen
I don't believe that Jonah spoke presumptuously or that he failed as a prophet.
Yet prophets are listed in the 5 fold ministry that you mentioned, given to grow us up in the full measure of Christ. I believe that's mightily important.
The only criteria that I have for an Apostolic prophet is that they have something to say worth repeating -- good enough to be published on the Internet.
1.Are you a cessationist?
2. Do you believe that the Gifts of the Spirit have ceased?
3. What are you saying that Jesus wasnt implying? There is no implication there thats pretty much a direct quote I posted without needing to read in between the lines.
4. Are you saying that Jesus was wrong in saying that there was no greater prophet born of woman than John the Baptist and the least in the kingdom of God was greater than he?