Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson
Deacon Blues,
You act as if there's just one thing that I don't like Palin for.
The bottom line is that she struck such a NEGATIVE chord in me-- and not just this conservative, but others as well-- she struck such a negative chord in me that until she changes my perception of her, my perception of her will ALWAYS be negative.
Her Revere rambling just furthered cemented that she can't be taken seriously-- making her an embarassment for me whenever she rears her little head.
The difference between my disdain for sarah and others for Obama is that MOST people act as if Obama has done nothing good for the country-- with many instigating and believing all sorts of blatant lies about the man and his m.o.
Their criticisms are often tinged with stuff other than good notions, but thinly veiled to appear as something that they're not-- objective.
If my disdain for Palin is so irrational, why is she so unelectable?
Or do you believe she is unelectable?
If she isn't unelectable, why is she unelectable?
How did she become unelectable?
Who says she is unelectable?
I think she is probably the only with the gumption (ole southern term) to expose BO for what he is. A Chicago BULLY! She would hopefully expose he has no legit BC, his mentors are socialist and how many appointees did he appoint that are tax evaders.
If she is smart she would hop on that in a big way. Point out that all his promises he made in his last bid was all lies. He is far from being transparent. In fact, just about everything he promised was the opposite of what he has done.
Our country is much worse off than it was before. And the gutless wonder always wants to blame someone else for his stupid moves.
I think he is a muslim that had one agenda of trying to bring America down. And if America doesn't repent, I am afraid God will allow that to happen.
Unemployment is at an all time high. He tried to push a healthcare that the MAJORITY of Americans were against. The only ones for it are pretty much freeloaders, with very few exceptions.
But the media hates SP. You got to ask yourself why? She doesn't play ball with them and they whine about that. They never give her a fair report and to be honest they don't give BO a fair report either. They think he can't do wrong and cover up his glaring mistakes.
But anyone that has a problem with SP and not BO isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. IMO