Originally Posted by the raven
I do not feel that beards or mustaches are a salvation issue. Since I am the pastor of my church and I do control my platform and in places of leadership, I ask that the men be clean shaven since it is what I desire in my church.
Naturally every possible topic or standard is not covered nor could it be without the NT being a library instead of a book.
In keeping with that spirit, the man in charge of the local assembly has the authority to interpret modesty for those under his charge. I believe to openly defy the pastor to be sin. However, I also believe that one has the right to change assemblies with whom they choose to congregate.
The problems as I see them are the pastor who holds standards as salvation and condemns anyone to hell who does not agree with him, versus the church hopping saint.
If a pastor believes it best that the men in his church to be clean shaven then so be it.
If a saint decides to change churches it should be with much, much, much, prayer and self-examination. We have a pampered pew in this day and age. It is nearly impossible to find a pastor with whom you are going to agree on every single issue lock-step.
I headquartered at a church for the last few years where there were many things I personally did not see eye to eye with the senior pastor, but as long as I was a member of that church what he said went. When I finally left it was not an act of rebellion, it was because I felt God was calling me in a different direction than the vision of that house, and I did everything I could on my end to leave on good terms.
I am not commenting on anyone on this forum, but I must declare I am getting physically ill with the attitudes of so many now who seem to ponder “exactly what can I get away with and still make it.” As opposed to – what can I give up, or affirmatively do that would draw me closer to Christ my Savior. That is the true singular definition of holiness standards.
Some seem incredulous the Holy Spirit could unilaterally convict someone without the pastor having to lay down the law from the pulpit. It is the old meat sacrificed to idols argument. We know there are no idols but if a man is convicted and partakes anyway to him it becomes sin. The problems arise when he who feels at liberty mocks the one with the conviction, or the man with the conviction condemns the one who does not feel led to the same personal standard.
Sadly, I must attempt to pre-empt the inevitable backlash by saying this post is confined to things pertaining to "modesty" only. The gospel is immutable, standards are transitory.
Personally I do not see justification for saying facial hair on men, women trimming hair, or men wearing shorts are salvation issues that automatically condemn one to hell, but rebellion just may be. If my senior pastor ordered me to shave my beard I would do it without question.
If a pastor proposes such things as salvation issues in and of themselves I have a problem with that, HOWEVER if the pastor believes them to be issues of modesty and best for his church not to do, I likewise have a problem with anyone saying that man is mistaken.