Originally Posted by Praxeas
I'm skeptical you understand "UPCI" Oneness. I find many many OPs have a distorted and uneducated version of Oneness
So you want your liberty in worship but want to find a place that restricts theirs?
People must have a different definition of Expository teaching. I hear Expository teaching quite often...though I wonder why more Christians aren't expository studying the bible.
What do you mean by expository?
How about guidelines? How can you teach what is modest without guidelines?
can you imagine a church full of people all screaming out questions for the next hour or so? Why not ask the Pastor later? Im sure he is just as hungry as you are and he's been standing all that time.
Huh? Sorry but that's not a UPC thing.I don't know of any church that has that many meetings let alone demanding you have to attend each.
Again that is not a UPCI thing. That is a church to church thing. That does not happen at my UPC
Again my UPC does not preach on hell all the time so this is not a UPC thing
Sabbath keeping? The bible says to rest not go to church. I've never heard that Sabbath Keepers are stupid or that people are going to hell for for worshiping on Sunday..so again that is not a UPC thing
Then don't participate. What UPC demands you participate? Mine does not so again that is not a UPC thing
I'll try to refine it a little for you... the list was originally for me so I knew what it meant... I can see where it would be confusing to someone else.
I have read David Bernard's The Oneness of God as well as many other works on Oneness by UPCI authors. I have also read all three volumes of The History of the Christian Church by Bernard, really everything he's ever written almost, multiple books on Holiness etc. I would say that I am better versed in Pentecostal theology than a lot of OP ministers. I simply do not believe the theology which does not mean that I do not understand it.
I want something more free than the Baptist church I attended where they were going to fire the new pastor because his wife raised her hands during the singing... But not over the top like the preacher at the UPC church who literally spit his dentures over the pulpit when in a frenzy, and had a seeker crawl around the entire sanctuary on his knees begging God for the HG. Walking on the backs of pews and even a preacher who once stood atop the pulpit screaming. Tongues blabbered throughout service, people falling over a la Benny Hinn, etc.
By expository I mean something more than cherry picking a couple of unrelated verses from the bible and then filling 45-60 minutes with anecdotes, stories, etc. A few weeks ago I heard a story from a UPC pulpit about a man who died.... well... until his wife let down her uncut hair and threw it over his dead body and then he came back to life. I bought the CD.. wanna hear it?
Modesty is a heart issue a lot more than a clothing issue. If you don't believe it take a look at most the girls at any youth rally. They buy the skimpiest sundress or bustier and then stick a T-shirt under it to make it 'legal'. Skirts that cup butts so tight that Wrangler jeans got notin' on them. How do you teach on the heart? With a solid foundation in the love of Christ for these girls and women and by helping then see that they are valued by God and by the men around them as more than just meat. Telling them to cover up because their horny brothers can't help themselves is obviously not working.
I am not sure why you believe that questions would need to be screamed if asked in small group, Sunday school, etc. Even most sanctuaries have good enough acoustics to carry a question to the front. Or at least it seems to work for testimonies and that aforementioned awful blabbering. I did not mean I was physically hungry, I meant that I am SPIRITUALLY HUNGRY.
Maybe you should keep an index card and just jot down how much hell is mentioned. You are going to hell if you don't pay up, your family and friends are going to hell if they are different religion, got baptized with the wrong words, do not understand oneness, wear pants, makeup, cut their hair... hell, hell, hell... some people are immune to hearing about it and are unaffected... I spent days and nights awake begging God for my non-UPC's son's soul while he was deployed... Obviously I am not as tuned out as some who were raised hearing it from the womb.
The Sabbath - Rest and worship. Easy peasy. I have already explained that I was saying that I don't want a Sabbath observing religion like Seventh Day Adventists who believe that Sunday worshipers are going to hell... since you are the second person I confused I will apologize for not being perfectly clear. If you have not heard that Sabbath keepers are wrong, confused, stupid, lost, unlearned, ignorant or whatever label your people would put on them then you probably have not asked the question 'Why do we not keep all 10 commandments' and pointed to number 4 when told that we do.... Try it sometime.
Our church's Trunk or Treat is promoted as our biggest outreach of the year. The truth is that if it were an outreach it would be the only one all year. Unfortunately it is mostly attended by other OP churches that do not allow Halloween and has never in it's history added a soul to the church. Our Easter picnic is the biggest church wide fellowship event of the year with an egg hunt and the Easter bunny for the kids at the park. Our Christmas banquet is in honor of our most holy holiday... last year we had Santa Clause.
Just don't participate... well, yes... that is what this thread is all about... I've decided not to participate.