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Old 06-06-2011, 10:48 AM
GISG GISG is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
She's electable, she's already proven that on several occasions. I think b/c of the perception that she is a lightweight she wouldn't be able to beat BO in 2012. Perception is almost everything in presidential politics. Some of it has been of her own doing, a lot of that a result of not being a part of the Northeastern, Ivy League, NY City, DC beltway. She is a rural gal from the frontier and her folksy talk and style fits into a media culture that only says one thing: DUMB HICK. The fact she is a conservative, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-domestic oil drilling, etc. The fact that as a Christian she had a daughter have a baby outside of marriage, the fact that she doesn't appeal to the NYTimes or Time magazine as her sources for news, the fact she took on the political establishment in both parties in her state and cleaned uo Juneau, it all adds up to the elitists in both parties as "she's not one of us---she's unworthy to be our president". The MSM and liberals use one of two tactics when trying to destroy a conservative contender. He/she is a moron (Palin, George W, George H W, Reagan, Ford) or he/she is pure evil (Cheney, Gingrich, Nixon). Consequently, Democrat contenders are admirable, inspirational and always, always genuises. Carter was touted for his high IQ and his clean, farmer image. Mondale and Dukakis were men of great ideals and societal progress. Clinton was the man who felt our pain and was handsome and charming. Gore was the brainiac who although was a bit stiff, championed the cause of global warming, and won the Nobel Peace Prize as a result. Kerry was the Vietnam War hero who came home and stood up to the establishment and helped bring the Vietnam War to an end. John Edwards was the dashing North Carolina Southern gentleman lawyer who would help create "one America" and bring an end to the "two Americas" of rich/poor. And then of course Barack Obama. People packed that stadium in Denver and he walked out on stage and talked about the ocean level returning back to their mormal levels and the earth becoming cleaner and how that we could have hope at last and media folks were choking back tears and getting all giddy and tingly. Why he was given a Nobel Peace Prize before he had even finished his first year as President! He was so intelligent and inspirational he was given the award preemptively! So you see JD a lot of this fits a pattern. The left and MSM are savvy when it comes to politics and the cult of personality. They understand that perception is almost everything. They understand a significant number of Americans will vote in image alone. When was the last time you saw a Democrat contender for Prez get "gotcha" questions like "Who's the president of Khazakstan?" or "So what newspapers do you read?" No, its always assumed they are super smart people that are from higher institutions of learning and its a given they know all these things and read all the same things the Manhattan and Upper West Side of NYC folks read. And when one of their own says something like "57 States" or signs a guest book at Buckingham Palace "24 May, 2008" in 2011 it gets little attention, they laugh it off and they move on. The story dies within days. As far as the "real" reason people oppose BO, I think you are right about some folks. There will always be racists among us and that is sad. But many, many white conservatives oppose BO because he's as liberal as they come. I voted for Alan Keyes on two occasions in GOP primaries in the past. I am a huge fan of Clarence Thomas. I would love to see Condi Rice run for Prez. Herman Cain is in the top 2-3 choices for me as a GOP contender. I can go on and on. And honestly, I think it appears that you as a GOP voter and admitted conservative defending BO most of the time is rooted only in the fact he has African American blood in his veins, because most of what he stands for is extremely liberal. I get the criticisms of SP. She's not untouchable. She doesn't help herself when she kind of panics and rambles and says things that her critics can pounce on. But she is inconsequential in the big scheme of things. Yet the MSM and liberals treat her like she is the biggest threat to Western Civilization since Attila the Hun. This Paul Revere thing will last all summer. Just watch.
Now, this right here is just plain brilliant!

I too supported Alan Keyes! I'm leaning towards Herman Cain. And if LTC. Allen West should, by some mircale, decide to run for POTUS I will do everything in my power to support that man! Wow, what a president he would make.
But, you can't be a person of color and be conservative and actually be a person of color....the liberal mind can't comprehend such an occurance.
They are vilified and yet there's never a blacklash.
Until the double standards are what's vilified it's an up hill battle for African American, Hispanic, and all other backgrounds, conservatives to stand a fighting chance.
*aka Sandie*
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Old 06-06-2011, 10:57 AM
GISG GISG is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I defend BO on here much more than I do in real life because often the criticisms levelled at him are not balanced-- in real life and on AFF. Not only am I not voting for Obama, a good chunk of my family are not voting for him either. However, if conservatives want to motivate the black voters who would vote for him just because he's black, let them continue to level unbalanced, irrational criticisms at him. Trump's birther bid, 3 years after the fact, was enough to motivate MANY people to vote for Obama if for no other reason than out of protest to GOP (aka rich white folks) tactics. Then Trump's calling for Obama's academic records to be released proved to many, many people what some have suspected all along-- the attacks of Trump and others are not based on good motives. Thinly veiled attacks veiled as something good, but many are not deceived. Letterman implied racism-- I don't know if that was the case for Trump or not. However, it is clear that he wasn't objective or respectful.
JD, it's getting more and more difficult for people to just get up in the morning and figure out how they are going to put food on the table, gas in their car and when their job is going to be gone, if it isn't already gone.
That's the real world.
We don't have anyone in this administration who is fighting for us, they're fighting for their leftists views. There's much this administration could do to help this economy, but he refuses.
We're headed over the cliff, now that's just fact. Who's doing anything to stop it?
It isn't being non-objective to state the facts.
*aka Sandie*
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Old 06-06-2011, 10:59 AM
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by GISG View Post
...And if LTC. Allen West should, by some mircale, decide to run for POTUS I will do everything in my power to support that man!

Back to the Sarah Palin thing, up until maybe a month ago I was very anti-Palin. Not because I dislike her, but because I felt she would be a horrible thing for the GOP ticket. I also didn't think she was good presidential material. Now, I think I could vote for her. She would be the perfect antidote to the Liberalism with which BHO has infected our government. It is astonishing to see how thoroughly BHO has screwed up our country in such a short period of time. Government has become incredibly overreaching and grasping for power, like a noxious weed taking over a garden. We need some Round-Up.
Micah 4:3-4
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:08 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
So you BO Kool-aiders rail on SP for every misstep, and she doesn't control anything! But the MESSIAH---BO---can fail and fumble and misspeak and be wrong and yall blindly defend him like he's the next bust to added to Mt Rushmore!

Good grief---and some of you actually voted for this guy to be President of the US and will again in 2012?
Not a BO kool-aider, not at all. I've pointed out his screw-ups as well. I held my nose and voted for McCain/Palin in '08. Hated every second of it, but had no choice. Wasn't going to abstain from voting and there was no way I'd vote for BO. And if the unthinkable happens and it's Palin v Obama in '12, I'll likely drag my rear end to the booth, hold my nose again and cast a useless vote for Palin.

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
She's electable, she's already proven that on several occasions. I think b/c of the perception that she is a lightweight she wouldn't be able to beat BO in 2012.
She's the reason many perceive her to be a lightweight. Anytime she flubs up or makes even the slightest mistake she blames it on the media and a reporter asking a "gotcha" question. She's only giving interviews to her employer, FoxNews, and even then looks really uncomfortable and appears to be reading scripted responses off-screen.

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post

When was the last time you saw a Democrat contender for Prez get "gotcha" questions like "Who's the president of Khazakstan?" or "So what newspapers do you read?"
Since when was the question "What newspapers do you read" a "gotcha" question? It's not a difficult question to answer. Unless you just get info handed to you from aides in bits and pieces and you don't actually read the paper.

W was asked who Pakistan's President was when he was running for President ... don't remember hearing a lot of complaining about "gotcha" questions back then.

Palin was given an interview by, who else, FoxNews and was asked the tough question, ""You realize that you messed up about Paul Revere, don't you?" [Gasp!]

Palin's response: "You know what, I didn't mess up about Paul Revere ... in a shout-out gotcha type of question that was asked of me I answered candidly."

[sigh] Ok, she's on this "family tour" going around historical sites. She was at the Boston historical site and was asked a question about it. How is being asked a question about an event, when you're standing at the historical site somehow a "gotcha" question?

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
This Paul Revere thing will last all summer. Just watch.
The only way it'll last all summer is if Palin keeps it going like she did with the Letterman joke and other things in the past. She keeps the issues alive by bringing them up again and again. It'll die soon though, because she's still on her publicity tour.
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:25 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by GISG View Post
No, she's a private citizen, (having a job doesn't equate to holding a public office), your spin makes her something else. The media hound her, but go ahead spin that too.
It's no spin. Sarah Palin has a PAC, a federally registered political action committee. That takes her out of the rank of the private citizen. Look at her website - sarahpac.com where she accepts donations. She's not a private citizen, and I'm not the one spinning it.

As far as the media "hounding" her ... she loves it. Revels in it. Doesn't matter what kind of story they put out, as long as it has "Sarah Palin" in it, it's good for her. I guarantee you if Palin didn't want the media around, they wouldn't get within a mile of her ... but if you've seen the pics and videos, you'll see she's letting them get up close and personal on her publicity tour.
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:26 AM
GISG GISG is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
HEAR, HEAR! Back to the Sarah Palin thing, up until maybe a month ago I was very anti-Palin. Not because I dislike her, but because I felt she would be a horrible thing for the GOP ticket. I also didn't think she was good presidential material. Now, I think I could vote for her. She would be the perfect antidote to the Liberalism with which BHO has infected our government. It is astonishing to see how thoroughly BHO has screwed up our country in such a short period of time. Government has become incredibly overreaching and grasping for power, like a noxious weed taking over a garden. We need some Round-Up.
I haven't heard it said like that, but that's spot on!

And wait to Obamacare really kicks in, we haven't seen anything yet! Just the few new rules that have began have caused insurance premiums to rise and co-pays are thru the roof. What a nightmare.
*aka Sandie*
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:28 AM
GISG GISG is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
It's no spin. Sarah Palin has a PAC, a federally registered political action committee. That takes her out of the rank of the private citizen. Look at her website - sarahpac.com where she accepts donations. She's not a private citizen, and I'm not the one spinning it. As far as the media "hounding" her ... she loves it. Revels in it. Doesn't matter what kind of story they put out, as long as it has "Sarah Palin" in it, it's good for her. I guarantee you if Palin didn't want the media around, they wouldn't get within a mile of her ... but if you've seen the pics and videos, you'll see she's letting them get up close and personal on her publicity tour.
Bad, bad Sarah. She needs a good talking to....maybe even a good .
*aka Sandie*
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Old 06-06-2011, 03:26 PM
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by GISG View Post
...But, you can't be a person of color and be conservative and actually be a person of color....the liberal mind can't comprehend such an occurance.
They are vilified and yet there's never a blacklash. ...
Nope, any African American who tries to present himself as conservative is
an Uncle Tom
an Oreo
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Old 06-06-2011, 03:27 PM
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by n david View Post
...Sarah Palin has a PAC, a federally registered political action committee. ....
I thought PAC stood for
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Old 06-06-2011, 03:49 PM
canam canam is offline
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Re: So what's up Sarah's sleevies?

Originally Posted by Sam View Post
Nope, any African American who tries to present himself as conservative is
an Uncle Tom
an Oreo
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