Originally Posted by Rhoni
Many times people can't get in our doors and get close enough to get help because of the attitiudes like Evangelist Benincasa. The ignorance of our attitudes lead people away from Christ and to Psychiatrists because the judgments and the rules imposed on believers before they even get to Christ. Many people want no part of the Christ some people believe in. Sometimes WE Apostolics are God's worst examples.
Those who have never been through mental illness related to transgenerational inheritance, or through situations beyond their control, or even by the sin factor and living a life contrary to a person's value system have no clue how to help a brother or sister struggling to keep their sanity and make sense of the chaos.
Thank God for those who have been there, done that, and came out victorious and can lead others to wholeness. Those who are led by the Spirit - they are the sons of God. Don't be guilty of putting God into the little boxes in our minds...he is much bigger than we can ever imagine...
And his word is forever settled...the things that we judge others for and about - will one day show up at our doorstep and we will learn the hard way and feel guilty about all the people we condemned in our ignorance.
Blessings, Rhoni
Good Post. It is sooo easy to sit back and tell someone what they need to do. But until you have been in their shoes you have no idea what you would do.
I believe that is why one of the most important things taught in the Bible is to Love. When you love a person as much as you love yourself you will show a little compassion to them.