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Old 04-27-2015, 09:24 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

You are discussing a wolf who moves among you like a peaceful little lamb. A wolf who was healed in Australia, came home and had heart surgery, claimed healing from heart problems, and had another heart surgery a few years later, but never misses an opportunity to bring up the miracle, but forgets to mention the blocked artery that was cleared (by doctors) right after he arrived home from his first "miracle".

So you believe lies? Here's a cold-busted exposed one.

On August 22 and 26, 2013, Art Wilson tweeted a picture that represented "his" services at the Tillman chapel at the UN.

It was not his picture and it was not his service.

Here is the tweet

Here is the site it was stolen from and here is the caption that goes with the picture. The EXACT same picture.


Adapted from the NRSV Biblical Story by
Rev. Kathleen Stone (writer)
DeWanda Wise (editor)
As performed with dancer, actress and voice at the
Commission on the Status of Women, 53rd Session
Ecumenical Women Opening Worship
February 28, 2009 8:30 a.m
Tillman Chapel, Church Center for the United Nations

The exact same picture is used where else?

The 14th Anniversary of the International Church of Metro Detroit, claiming it to be one of their "World-Changers".

Whatever this "revival" is there are a lot of lies being tossed around by the ones who are supposedly leading it.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-27-2015 at 09:42 AM.
Old 04-27-2015, 10:03 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
Everything you said is a lie --- "Blackjohnwhite"

Its funny how you are lying to call others a liar!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!
Except nothing I said was a lie. Again, I understand the need and desire to defend the UPCI with all your heart. But you're letting your emotion and zeal cloud your vision and judgement as to what actually happened. The room in called the "General Assembly," so in that aspect, yes, Stoneking addressed the General Assembly. But it's being touted as though he addressed the actual General Assembly, that is, the collection of UN Ambassadors and Delegates. That is where the misinformation is. Just like there's a difference in addressing the White House (the building) and addressing the White House (the President and members of the executive team).
Old 04-27-2015, 10:05 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
You are discussing a wolf who moves among you like a peaceful little lamb. A wolf who was healed in Australia, came home and had heart surgery, claimed healing from heart problems, and had another heart surgery a few years later, but never misses an opportunity to bring up the miracle, but forgets to mention the blocked artery that was cleared (by doctors) right after he arrived home from his first "miracle".
Again, the "heart surgery" was not due to any disease. It was to replace old stints which were put in previously. My father has a pacemaker which needed a battery replaced and had to have surgery to do so. It wasn't due to a disease. These things have a an expiration date.

Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam View Post
So you believe lies? Here's a cold-busted exposed one.

On August 22 and 26, 2013, Art Wilson tweeted a picture that represented "his" services at the Tillman chapel at the UN.

It was not his picture and it was not his service.

Here is the tweet

Here is the site it was stolen from and here is the caption that goes with the picture. The EXACT same picture.


Whatever this "revival" is there are a lot of lies being tossed around by the ones who are supposedly leading it.
But of course, you would use "Spiritual Abuse" and Lois Gibson as your source. I have nothing good to say about her, though I find it ironic that she devotes her sad life crusading against the UPCI and her claims of lies and scandals...yet she's silent on what happened at the daycare she "resigned" from and her subsequent removal from the church. The silence is deafening. Had that daycare or church done something wrong, she would have written more about it. Yet she's silent about what happened there.

Last edited by n david; 04-27-2015 at 10:10 AM.
Old 04-27-2015, 10:07 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
But of course, you would use "Spiritual Abuse" and Lois Gibson as your source.
And you would use Art Wilson, a known charlatan, as yours?
Old 04-27-2015, 10:09 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by n david View Post
But of course, you would use "Spiritual Abuse" and Lois Gibson as your source.
Wilson DID use another group's photo from a completely different event at a completely different time, and tried to pass it off as his own. Not one, but twice. Just FYI.
Old 04-27-2015, 10:14 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by blackjohnwhite View Post
And you would use Art Wilson, a known charlatan, as yours?
Actually, I watched the live UN feed from the UN website. I've also read reports from the UN. Yes, I've seen tweets from Art Wilson, but he's not my only source.

You can try to smear and call Art Wilson a liar, but there's the issue of the UN reports on the UNGA event in which Lee Stoneking participated which you cannot argue against, though you continue to attempt to do so.
Old 04-27-2015, 10:14 AM
Walks_in_islam Walks_in_islam is offline

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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Since the tweets, the photo, and the site where the photo came from are dead bang accurate I guess the only recourse is to attack the source.

The source however is the website the photo came from, not the person who highlighted "lifting" it to use for another purpose.

From "101 ways to get blocked from Art Wilson's twitter account"

Followed by:

OOPS I know right? LOL.......

I am wondering why, if someone was holding a great revival, they couldn't put their own revival pictures in their anniversary video. Why "lift" <cough>steal<cough> a picture of the (Methodist? Seriously?) chapel from someone else's website? The Methodist "UN" chapel that is actually not on UN grounds at that. These "bible studies" are being "held at the UN"? That's like "visiting the UN" while shopping down the block.

Small wonder the "walking cadaver" with his fantastic lies wouldn't be spotted with another grandmaster of fantastic lies. Birds of a feather ho hum and all that.....

Nobody is denying that he spoke there. If it was a "miracle" for him to speak there, then it was also a "miracle" for all the funny-dressed representatives of other faiths.

Nice group photo: (look at all the miracles!) One miracle I can see right away is that the two dudes in the front are somehow keeping their "holy magic robes" from falling, somehow and amen. I do believe that the "miracle cadaver" is standing proudly in the back and aint it a miracle - he's right next to a Muslim.


Here are the entire webcasts. Play them all and quit pretending like Lee Stoneking or anyone else was singled out as a special guest speaker. He didn't even make the news. He didn't say anything to promote tolerance and reconciliation. Here's one who DID make the news (prolly one of those in funny clothes)


“Buildng a peaceful and inclusive society” requires “respecting each and every religion and honoring each and every faith,” said Sri Sugunendra Theertha, the head of the Udipi Shree Puthige Matha.

He was one of the speakers Wednesday at a High-level Thematic Debate on “Promoting Tolerance and Reconciliation: Fostering Peaceful, Inclusive Societies and Countering Violent Extremism” that was convened by General Assembly President Sam Kutesa.

He said Hindu philosophers and teachers over the millennia have taught people to respect other religions and this attitude was needed to bring peace.

Last edited by Walks_in_islam; 04-27-2015 at 10:41 AM.
Old 04-27-2015, 10:16 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by blackjohnwhite View Post
Wilson DID use another group's photo from a completely different event at a completely different time, and tried to pass it off as his own. Not one, but twice. Just FYI.
That doesn't invalidate what Lee Stoneking did last week.

It gives the haters like you, the muslim and the bitter ex-UPC'er Gibson ammo to smear and attack a UPCI minister. But it has no bearing on what happened last week.
Old 04-27-2015, 10:19 AM
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

You both are full of deception:

Art Wilson has done nothing but minister at a level in the UN few have accomplished!!

He answered those accusations that the first picture he posted was to deceive he posted this:
from Art Wilson: "the first picture we ever posted on Twitter was a picture from the internet to show what it looked like and to give a idea of the services. There was a lot of people wanting updates and we had to be sure it was ok to post pictures. (see now that that wasn't a wise choice)
However To prove our intentions were not to deceive-- If you go to our Twitter you will see a few weeks later upon making sure it was ok to post. we posted pictures of us having church in the chapel with our crowd. The pictures are there and dated on Twitter"

Twitter does show that on twitter in September Art posted many pictures of the first service which was much better pictures and more were in attendance...

Go to his twitter and look

you guys are what you accuse others of being....
I have been a lot of places and seen a lot of things in the world of Christian followers.. I just have a few questions, CAN I THINK OUT LOUD?
Old 04-27-2015, 10:25 AM
n david n david is offline
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Re: Lee Stoneking Addresses UN

Originally Posted by Thinker View Post
You both are full of deception:

Art Wilson has done nothing but minister at a level in the UN few have accomplished!!

He answered those accusations that the first picture he posted was to deceive he posted this:
from Art Wilson: "the first picture we ever posted on Twitter was a picture from the internet to show what it looked like and to give a idea of the services. There was a lot of people wanting updates and we had to be sure it was ok to post pictures. (see now that that wasn't a wise choice)
However To prove our intentions were not to deceive-- If you go to our Twitter you will see a few weeks later upon making sure it was ok to post. we posted pictures of us having church in the chapel with our crowd. The pictures are there and dated on Twitter"

Twitter does show that on twitter in September Art posted many pictures of the first service which was much better pictures and more were in attendance...

Go to his twitter and look

you guys are what you accuse others of being....
Yeah, I browsed through Art Wilson's twitter page. He has a lot of photos of the the Chapel with him and Stoneking. Even has a video of him introducing a young man to sing.

But of course, since Lois Gibson and her damnable website says he's a liar, forget about these photos and the video proving what he's saying is true.
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