Originally Posted by Michael Phelps
Just so I'm clear here, are you saying that people cannot effectively use the name of Jesus until AFTER they've been baptized in the name of Jesus?
Any who has not taken the name of Jesus has not been adopted into the family of God. It takes obedience to the entire
Acts 2:38 message. We taken on His name in baptism.
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Parham did baptize in Jesus Name originally but after the 'new issue' he reversed.
I did not mean to imply that Charles Parham continued to so baptize. It was very disappointing to see that he would not accept the fullness of the truth.
Originally Posted by berkeley
How'd you extrapolate that?
It is from a lot of study on the efficacy and necessity of baptism in Jesus' name.
Originally Posted by OnTheFritz
It's like retrofitting facts to support the truth you think you know. Cool!
I do not need to twist and make the facts my belief. I believe the facts.