Originally Posted by Thad
so you think they are going to win them to the PAW or change their doctrine ??
some say that jake's influence has changed some of the Big names
Yeah I think that Jakes' has influenced some Big names. I do not think that the PAW is changing the doctrine. I think that there is a place in the community of the church that we can fellowship together. Not waffle on doctrine, but we do not have to debate the doctrine everytime we are around non-oneness people.
Back to Jakes, I believe that there are people that have seen his success outside of a major organization. He is a part of a oneness organization called Higher Grounds something. But what most people have seen is that there is an anointing and blessing outside oganizations. Not that you can not have success in organizations, but you are dead in the water if you leave. Because people see him on TBN and other they assume that he is no longer "preaching truth." That is false. I have many of his dvd series and he is right on with what he preaches.
We will see what the future holds for different organizations. I think that there will be a great revival as promised in the Word. I believe that this will happen in and out of an organization. There are alot of people out there that may not choose a church in an organization with strict standards so those people might go to the ones that have left, but some will not. God will make a market for both streams.