Originally Posted by Godsdrummer
Man oh man UPCI sure has gone down even since I left. You are talking about UPCI right? Although I know how many of you feel about the pressures of giving to everything. But it seems to me that if you want to give more first you will build what you have and then my the numbers your giving will increase. I used to get so frustrated in the church I grew up in and back then there were only three or four national fundraisers. SFC,CFC,Home Missions, an of course all the Foriegn Missionarys. There were so much national fund raisers our local church did not have enough to adiquetly take care of the home front. As far as UPCI growth what I have seen there is very little new growth. At least that is what I see in the Washington district and Oregon disrict.
There has been a growth in the number of ministers and churches, but the over all constituency hasn't changed in at least the last 20 years, maybe 30 years.
There's just a few more places to go to church and a "congregation" in many places that moves around from place to place as the excitement comes and goes.
We are not even keeping our children and young people. Much of the ministry is either tied up and bound to misconceptions about holiness or afraid of those who are deceived and confused.
The UPCI has never been able to even honestly address the issue of its own merger and founding 64 years ago. How can we say that we're a beacon or lighthouse for others when we deceive ourselves and our own? See here (click the link!).
Most people see right through us. We're only able to fool ourselves - and then, we can't fool all of our people all of the time. So those who are educated or have opportunity elsewhere leave. We lose our best people every day.
It used to be District leaders who ruled their districts like personal fiefdoms who were responsible for hindering growth. If they couldn't count on a pastor's support and vote then he was outta there. In most places we've had the courage to stand up to that process and it has been changed for the better. But it was like pulling teeth. Why are we so afraid to improve and better ourselves?
The self imposed 'term limit' was one of the biggest signs of spiritual maturity that I've ever seen grown men display, and it was displayed in district after district until now it has become almost the norm in most places. I say "Do It Again!" Keep it up!
I am was so disheartened when I saw much of the response to the WPF thing. The WPF was a sad and shallow display but the "official" response has been sadder and more shallow still. They can come up with a better response than,
"Nuh - uh!" and
"Are too!"
How about some really courageous leadership? Stand up to those guys who call their brethren "a bowel movement" and introduce people to Jesus Christ and Him crucified.