Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by Dan'D
The foundation of the UPCI has been altered. There are many UPC churches allowing thing to creep into the churches that would not had been allowed 10 – 20 years ago. It is not just with a few. In many many UPC churches the majority of the saints have a TV. If you get TV on your computer that is wrong also.
Our people should look different inside and out. Because we are different.
Bring involved in UPC for as long as I have I would say there is more to UPC than meets the eye.
Time will tell
Well, once again I am responding to Dan'D. I really don't want you to think I am picking on you, but no one else picked up on this so far, and I really feel like it needs to be asked.
You do understand that if you have a computer with an internet connection, you DO have access to TV shows. Go to any of the major networks websites and you can watch full episodes right on your computer. You don't have to. But you can.
The main point that I really want to ask you is, do you understand that within the next 5 years, the television and the computer will be completely integrated. You will not be able to purchase a computer that is not in fact also a television. You will of course be able to buy older computers for a while, but eventually, if you want to buy a computer, you will have to also be purchasing a TV.
I really hope that you will answer this, because I have never heard anyone who is a "ultra conservative" answer this question, what will you do when that day arrives?
Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by lilanastasia
The addresses were not stolen; however, they were used under false pretenses. They were purchased for a specific mailout, and obviously used for something else. That is how they do it in Church Administration. Districts/churches are able to purchase mailing labels of pastors or ministers; however, they have to fill out a form and have it signed by their District Superintendent.
As a matter of fact, because this happened, Church Administration at HQ has suspended all inquiries for mailing labels outside of the building. So very sad.
Question for anyone that cares....
Is it normal practice for churches to get address lists and use them throughout the year for other mailouts besides the initial purchased reason, or is the WPF getting the foul, because they are the only ones that would do such a low-down dirty thing??
Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by stmatthew
Question for anyone that cares....
Is it normal practice for churches to get address lists and use them throughout the year for other mail outs besides the initial purchased reason, or is the WPF getting the foul, because they are the only ones that would do such a low-down dirty thing??
I work for our church office, anytime we do a district mailing, including the Bishops Christmas card list we go through the district office to get labels.
I can't answer for national mailings, I don't think we have ever done a nation wide mail out.
Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by dizzyde
I work for our church office, anytime we do a district mailing, including the Bishops Christmas card list we go through the district office to get labels.
I can't answer for national mailings, I don't think we have ever done a nation wide mail out.
So is what HQ sends out actual labels, or just a list?
Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by stmatthew
So is what HQ sends out actual labels, or just a list?
I can't answer that, being as I've never done it, perhaps someone else could chime in.
I do know that there is apparently concern over the issue, because I was just on the UPCI website yesterday looking up a church for someone, and they have made some security changes.
Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by stmatthew
Question for anyone that cares....
Is it normal practice for churches to get address lists and use them throughout the year for other mailouts besides the initial purchased reason, or is the WPF getting the foul, because they are the only ones that would do such a low-down dirty thing??
Ha Ha...I think WPF is taking the brunt of it because of how they did it...
Re: 1> Did the Tulsa 6 have a right to start WPF ?
Originally Posted by stmatthew
So is what HQ sends out actual labels, or just a list?
They will do both, depending on what you request. They will send actual labels or an excel spreadsheet. But when HQ found out that WPF had sent a letter using the mailing labels that came from here, that's when it all hit the fan...