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WPF News Discussion of the WWPF meetings in Tulsa and related sidetracks. |

02-03-2008, 05:34 PM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by NLYP
Brother...Humbly I as you this question......even if the "norm" is as you say.....was it not worth just one soul? or in the case of this church worth 300 souls? Did that make us compromisers??
The problem is we have created folks that are little pastoral robots....that have not been allowed think for themselves. Its time to go back to Holy Ghost and less pulpit.
The TV issue is ALL about control.....period. Its a pastoral mandate by a MINORITY of ministers that feel they must hold on to what they deem apostolic.
UGH....its so sad....
But back to my question.....JESUS risked losing his ENTIRE following by eating with sinners and meeting with a sinful women at the well....did he worry about the opinion of the following or the lost soul that needed him?
Could be he might have taught his followers...and knew they were big boys and girls...
So....he risked it all for one........
THATS why I am ANTI WPF....resolution 4 risked it all to say lets try to reach more folks.....
WPF says we did not get our way...our religious system is more valuable than the souls we could reach. With all the fussing of the followers....seems they might just need to grow up.
Goooood post!

02-03-2008, 08:14 PM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by NLYP
Well....let me share with you the other side of it....
Our former Pastor, before we moved here has been on tv for over a year and a half. He sits behind his desk and teaches search for truth for 30 minutes 3 times a week on our local cable station. He is a HIGH Holiness preacher. Our church went from 200 to 500 in less then 3 years. He changed NOTHING about him or what he preached....BUT used the best way possible to reach the masses. On the visitor card it says...did you find out about us through tv?
91% said yes.
They have a 72% retention rate.....ALL THROUGH search for truth...but instead of 1 family at a time in a living room..its hundreds of households at a time.
OH by the way thats at a cost of 150.00 per 30 minute spot.
My funeral home is on a 30 sec spot 5 times per day....we are on cnn, fox news, lifetime and the discovery channel.....
We paid 5500.00 to produce the spot and we pay 7.00 per day.....ie 210.00 per month....
in 2006 this funeral home did 32 funerals...Ive been here 6 months and have done 46....sooooo
Cant argue the facts man...you just can do it.
Kinda like the baptist saying the Holy Ghost isnt real, you cant argue with what Ive experienced.
Here is the UPC webiste..... www.hopupc.org
Its called the what and where of the Bible.
Stop the presses here. So you are saying that a UPC licensed Pastor advertised on tv PRIOR to it being approved by the Org?? Where are all those that are slamming the WPF for its lack of ethics to also slam your former Pastor for the same??

02-03-2008, 09:28 PM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by NLYP
I still wish someone would explain something to me.....
"We are not requiring anybody to leave the UPC to be a part of the WWPF"
So....I am UPC....and I agree that if hold license that I will faithfully support the UPC with prayer and finances.
So.....If I am upc AND wwpf.....where does my financial alliegence lie?
They say they are not an org...YET..they have woman ministry, foreign ministry, home missions, youth ministry...etc....
They WILL want their members to support their works.
So whats a "Dual" membership man to do???
I say this...ITS a ploy to get them in the door.
I just have serious problems with the "dual" thing.....
Get in or Get out....
I do know the general Board is getting ready to meet and address this....
We shall see.......
Dont get me wrong....I want this Apostolic message to reach the world...BUT...there is an old saying...."fish or cut bait".
God bless the WWPF...but not at the expense of devisiveness towards the fellowship I am a part of and love.
I say that with no malicious intent...
As it has been stated, The AWCF is much the same as the WPF. They only offer a fellowship card. They have missions, youth ministries, and regional and national conferences. While I think the "cost" of the WPF is ridiculous for a "fellowship", I see no difference in the 2.
So should the UPCI also kick anyone that is part of the AWCF, as they (AWCF) ask for finances and offerings also for their agendas?

02-04-2008, 08:17 AM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Dan thanks for the call I appreciate it.

02-04-2008, 09:18 AM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by stmatthew
Stop the presses here. So you are saying that a UPC licensed Pastor advertised on tv PRIOR to it being approved by the Org?? Where are all those that are slamming the WPF for its lack of ethics to also slam your former Pastor for the same??
NO MATT!!! We did NOT advertise prior to the passage of the resolution..
We did a 30 minute program! 
He offered his card to the board...they refused it...the DS told him to do what the HG was telling him to do.
So he did and 300 souls resulted......
The DS knew it would eventually pass......Its not our fault it took too long to pass this thing. Pastor was not willing to chance losing one soul he could reach.

02-04-2008, 09:19 AM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by Steve Epley
Dan thanks for the call I appreciate it.
You are welcome my friend......

02-04-2008, 10:45 AM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by NLYP
NO MATT!!! We did NOT advertise prior to the passage of the resolution..
We did a 30 minute program! 
He offered his card to the board...they refused it...the DS told him to do what the HG was telling him to do.
So he did and 300 souls resulted......
The DS knew it would eventually pass......Its not our fault it took too long to pass this thing. Pastor was not willing to chance losing one soul he could reach.
Wow. This is quite the testimony!
"It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity." Dave Barry 2005
I am a firm believer in the Old Paths
Articles on such subjects as "The New Birth," will be accepted, whether they teach that the new birth takes place before baptism in water and Spirit, or that the new birth consists of baptism of water and Spirit. - THE PENTECOSTAL HERALD Dec. 1945
"It is doubtful if any Trinitarian Pentecostals have ever professed to believe in three gods, and Oneness Pentecostals should not claim that they do." - Daniel Segraves

02-04-2008, 11:56 AM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by NLYP
NO MATT!!! We did NOT advertise prior to the passage of the resolution..
We did a 30 minute program! 
He offered his card to the board...they refused it...the DS told him to do what the HG was telling him to do.
So he did and 300 souls resulted......
The DS knew it would eventually pass......Its not our fault it took too long to pass this thing. Pastor was not willing to chance losing one soul he could reach.
Originally Posted by Stephen Hoover
Wow. This is quite the testimony!
So it is ok to go against the bylaws of the org as long as you get results?? I see.

02-04-2008, 12:54 PM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by stmatthew
So it is ok to go against the bylaws of the org as long as you get results?? I see.
Was it ok for Jesus to heal on the Sabbath?

02-04-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: Concerning Tulsa, could sombody please answer
Originally Posted by stmatthew
So it is ok to go against the bylaws of the org as long as you get results?? I see.
Matt, love ya man...but listen to what you are actually saying.....The org can get in the way of a soul and the fullfilment of the great commission....
Jesus knew full well the by laws of the day and the "org"...but did his thing in spite of what they thought.
Last time I checked he is our example...
Now we are not talking about watching tv or a ball game...we are talking about reaching a human soul and snatching it from the pits of hell.
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