Originally Posted by Thad
one of our associates taught the adult class today and told how the LOrd spoke to him as clearly as he has ever heard his voice. it was not just a thought but it was a word from the LOrd that America is getting ready for a time of Great sorrow.
when this person hears from the Lord I sit up and listen. He really hears from God and our pastor trust him too. He is not fluff, just a plain guy a straight shooter. He;'s told me things and it was always on
anyhow, he said he say a time coming soon when no one will be flying anywhere, no one will be taking holidays, all the planes will be empty, the vacation resorts will be empty, it will be a time of great terror.
I am sitting here trying to remember all that he said . I'll post more as it comes but it really has shaken me up. somehow I felt a witness in my spirit that this was true.
I was in San francisco Yesterday and i kept saying and thinking " Lord how long are you going to let all this sin go on and let our nation get by with this" and then here we are with today's bible study. I guess that was my answer.
the nation and church will be Judged according to this minister for the sins of our nation
any thoughts ? is this too negative to talk about ?
*The dollar's value is in a tailspin. (Economic Stimulus packages don't help)
*The economy is dissolving.
*Gas prices and Grocery Prices through the roof, and only going higher.
*The constitution is being hacked to pieces.
*All of the three branches of government think they can make their own laws, or ignore whatever ones they want.
*Our government can spy on anyone they want, or have someone else do it for them (and then retroactively grant them immunity for breaking the law)
*Our nation is beating the war drums with Iran while already at war in Iraq and Afghanistan.
*Flooding, Tornadoes, Wildfires....
Yeah, I'd say we're on the verge of some really bad times