Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
I remember years ago a church that had the secretary hang up a monthly income/outgo chart on the bulletin board.
The interesting thing was this.
Every month there was a $200 income for peanut brittle.
The church folks made that much peanut brittle each month and the secretary sold it herself for $200 extra income.
BUT... during November & December we made THOUSANDS of bags of peanut brittle and the young people sold them at the local mall. We would often make 800 bags a week during that 8 week period.
Come time for the November & the December statement... It still showed $200 in peanut brittle and that was from the bags that the Secretary sold every month... even in November & December.
Much pressure was put on the people show up and make peanut brittle. No one ever said that this was for the church treasury but I am sure that the others, like myself, were working with the assumption that all of this money raised was going to help the church.
One time someone said something like "One day the Lord will bless where we don't have to make any more peanut brittle" to which the pastor replied "Oh I don't see that happening... the church could always use a couple extra hundred dollars"
I thought.. yeah buddy.. there is more to the wording of that then these folks know.