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Old 12-21-2013, 03:47 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
The media didn't "latch" onto this because they know they would have to take his statements out of context. He was describing his personal experience as "white trash", being on the same socio-economic level as the black community when he was a young man. He said the black people he worked with in the cotton fields seemed happy and weren't singing the blues; he didn't state, nor did he even imply, that he approves of racism. If anything, those statements imply that he felt like he fit in with the black community at that time, and further serve to illustrate his own "suck it up and don't whine" pragmatic mentality. Even the liberal MSM knew better than to run with that story.
This part of the GQ interview has been covered by every MSM outlet I have seen. Haven't checked them all, and I'm not inclined to, but CNN, Huffington Post and MSNBC all have it. The evil-liberal-MSM card is tired of being played, if you ask me.
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Old 12-21-2013, 05:33 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

What he should have said was queers and racist are both lost, then he would have really messed up the liberals.

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Old 12-21-2013, 05:47 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

Originally Posted by Timmy View Post
OK, just wondering. Since we finally have a well-publicized declaration that homosexuality is sin, what do you think will happen? Will millions of gay people repent and become attracted to the opposite gender, as God intended for them?

Like I said. Just wondering.
It could be that MILIONS of young people who have been taught from the time they entered Kindergarden how WONDERFUL Gay really is, they have actually heard a man of stature say that its abnormal and immoral to have such relationships.

Perhaps some of them who may even now be weighing WHO THEY WANT TO BE will have a fighting chance to be true to what GOD made them to be.

It could make the difference in many such lives.
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Old 12-21-2013, 05:55 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted


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Old 12-21-2013, 05:58 PM
MarcBee MarcBee is offline
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post

they have actually heard a man of stature say
To quote DM's favorite saying, "BWahahah" or something like that. I haven't seen any episodes of DD, since I don't have cable TV. But "Man of Stature" ? Mmkay, I probably should be paying more attention to the same pop culture you do, I suppose.


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Last edited by MarcBee; 12-21-2013 at 06:00 PM.
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Old 12-21-2013, 06:05 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted


After Morgan said about Duck Dynasty‘s Phil Robertson via Twitter Thursday, “[T]he 1st Amendment shouldn’t protect vile bigots,” Charlie Daniels scolded the arrogant Brit Friday with a series of tweets that began, “Piers Morgan why don’t you go back to England and straighten it out before you try to change the United States of America”:
If you had to go to war who would you want to watch your back
Piers Morgan or Phil Robertson?
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Old 12-21-2013, 06:39 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

Originally Posted by MarcBee View Post
To quote DM's favorite saying, "BWahahah" or something like that. I haven't seen any episodes of DD, since I don't have cable TV. But "Man of Stature" ? Mmkay, I probably should be paying more attention to the same pop culture you do, I suppose.

Well I don't have a TV period. I did see a few episodes of DD because the TV is on where I work.

As to Phil being a man of stature I do consider that to be true in modern America. Millions of people talk about him as you are doing yourself today.

So yes when he speaks there are MANY who listen. It could be that young people will hear from him what the "Pastors" and the "Christians" would not have the courage to tell them.
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Old 12-21-2013, 07:12 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
Well I don't have a TV period. I did see a few episodes of DD because the TV is on where I work.
Fair enough, MTD. I do recall my era with the UPC where some or many members did not actually have a TV, but somehow or other they were still perfectly conversant with what was actually happening on other peoples' TVs.!

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
As to Phil being a man of stature I do consider that to be true in modern America. Millions of people talk about him as you are doing yourself today. .
Well, I may also talk about Osama Bin Laden, but I would not label him a "man of stature" unless I'm merely referring to the worldwide numbers of people who know something about who he is, or rather, was. Hitler would also qualify according to that definition of "man of stature."

Deeply JN Apostolic: 1978-1999.
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Last edited by MarcBee; 12-21-2013 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 12-21-2013, 07:47 PM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted

What I wanta know is HOW CAN A GUY THAT LOOKS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO REDNECKISH get an interview on GQ?

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Old 12-22-2013, 01:47 AM
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Re: Duck Dynasty Star Booted


On one hand, I am glad that his views on race haven't been blown up in the media.

On the other hand, he implies the same false idea that many politicians and others seem to believe-- the welfare rolls in America are stacked with black people.

Remember what I have said several times about how so many white people make it so difficult to be a black Conservative?

He doesn't come right out and say it, but I bet he believes that the protections that minorities have in America not only are not necessary, but were never necessary! After all, we were godly, happy and singing!

It's impossible to look at his statement and not wonder what he means, not wonder where America would be if we followed his logic on race all the way out.

Go ahead, act like I'm some left-winged, race-baiting, communist looking for hand-outs and racism under every rock, in every nook and cranny of American life. You would be wrong, but it has never stopped other Conservatives from saying this before whenever anyone brings up the real fact that many white Conservatives have deep rooted racial prejudices that has plagued the Republican Party since their convenient inclusion of the "Dixie-crats" during the Civil Rights Era.

We saw this same phenomenon with Ron Paul-- it's a soft approval of racial prejudice by never calling out the racial prejudice, never officially condoning it, but rarely condemning it when it rears its ugly head, which happens more often than what good white Conservatives seem able to recognize.

Stop the lying! Today's GOP is NOT the Party of Lincoln! The GOP really needs to address and correct this in order to grow into the 21st century.
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