I see no issue with cremation. A Biblical burial wouldn't have embalming, that was primarily an Egyptian practice. Also Biblically people were buried in family tombs. The custom typically had the body placed in the tomb to decompose for a year. Then the family would re-enter the tomb and take the bones and decomposed remains and place them in an ossuary. The ossuary was then buried in the floor or placed in a compartment in the wall with the ossuaries containing the remains of their fathers. The ossuaries looked something like this,
Cremation only expedites the process of decomposition by using heat to break down the body. Then the remains are refined and placed in an urn,
Both ossuaries and urns are often stored reverently or kept on family property. The practice of cremation has a greater likeness to the Biblical practice in my opinion.
I really like the urn above. I have told my wife I desire my remains to be stored in something much like that seen above or placed in a columbarium.