Either way, it is great to see people still able to band together in a like mind.
Wow, that's a little different than 1.5 or 2 million. I was very surprised when those numbers were being thrown around because most estimates had put the April 15 Tea Parties total national attendance at most 500,000. That was people just attending local meetings. I was very surprised that double that amount would have made a trip to D.C.
It appears that Matt Kibbe, the main man of FreedomWorks, decided to make up his own crazy number and then purposefully attribute them to ABC News who was only reporting the 60-70,000. FreedomWorks might want to consider changing Presidents if it wants to gain some credability on the national scene.
60-70,000 is still a respectable turnout. It wasn't a small rally and it wasn't a large rally. It fits somewhere in the average bracket when you compare it to previous marches and protests.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine
Wow, that's a little different than 1.5 or 2 million. I was very surprised when those numbers were being thrown around because most estimates had put the April 15 Tea Parties total national attendance at most 500,000. That was people just attending local meetings. I was very surprised that double that amount would have made a trip to D.C.
It appears that Matt Kibbe, the main man of FreedomWorks, decided to make up his own crazy number and then purposefully attribute them to ABC News who was only reporting the 60-70,000. FreedomWorks might want to consider changing Presidents if it wants to gain some credability on the national scene.
60-70,000 is still a respectable turnout. It wasn't a small rally and it wasn't a large rally. It fits somewhere in the average bracket when you compare it to previous marches and protests.
I'll make a few predictions, Mike. When Islam marches on Capitol Hill on September 25, these things will occur:
1. The MSM will give them more coverage than the 9/12 Tea Party.
2. They will fill the same amount of space and it will be reported that 1.2 - 2 million showed up for the event.
No one was upset because he stated his opinion. People were upset because he chose to do it in the middle of a speech by the President of the United States. What would happen if every member of Congress decided to express their opinions outloud throughout the entire speech?
I thought it showed a real lack of class and self restraint and basic respect.
And the Democrats show real class and respect to W? Gimme a break. You and other Democrats love to whine about the tea party protests and the incredibly stupid outburst by Wilson against BHO ... but you all seem to suffer from short term memory loss and forget the protests against W that were much worse than any tea party protest. And you forget the loud chorus of boos from Democrats during W's speeches.
You'd have more credibility if you attacked BOTH parties for their lack of respect of sitting Presidents. Unfortunately you going after just the Republicans and those in the tea party protests show you don't really get offended by it, unless it's Republicans or conservatives who are doing it.
Originally Posted by MissBrattified
Mike, I'm into basic courtesy and etiquette. It definitely was a lack of etiquette--I get that. But to be castigated by the Democrats who patently disrespect naysayers on a regular basis?Who disrespect Republican presidents without apology?Who disrespect American citizens on the basis that they showed up at town hall meetings to express their opinions? I get sick of the Democrats demanding apologies and the Republicans catering to them. It's nauseating. I would like to see SOMEONE defend themselves --even if they were out of line. It would at least show that they believe in themselves, that they have a shred of confidence in their own views. I know that's perverse, but I really am tired of the kicked dog routine.
It seems like the Republican party is missing its spine. ...mainly talking about the leadership--not the constituents.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
And they do not provide a source, whereas the ABC link does somewhat.
I like the link that PO posted on the numbers.
I heard that the UK was there for Obama's inaguration as well, and said there was more for the march than then.
I was not there for either so I can't say.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
And the Democrats show real class and respect to W? Gimme a break. You and other Democrats love to whine about the tea party protests and the incredibly stupid outburst by Wilson against BHO ... but you all seem to suffer from short term memory loss and forget the protests against W that were much worse than any tea party protest. And you forget the loud chorus of boos from Democrats during W's speeches.
You'd have more credibility if you attacked BOTH parties for their lack of respect of sitting Presidents. Unfortunately you going after just the Republicans and those in the tea party protests show you don't really get offended by it, unless it's Republicans or conservatives who are doing it.
Stop trying to defend the blabber mouth Wilson by comparing him to other things politicians had done in the past. NO ONE from either party had ever shouted the President down at an address of Congress.
Both sides always boo, hiss, refuse to applaud or stand, and yada yada, but the Rep. from South Carolina certainly distingushed himself with his classless act.
In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity. Augustine