Originally Posted by Sherri
Steadfast, I'm glad you brought this up, even though it could have easily turned into an ugly shout-fest. I think, having been on both sides of the fence at some point in my life, that both sides are misunderstood. When I was very young, and had just gotten the Holy Ghost, I tended to pick up EVERYTHING that anyone preached, no matter how far out and take it upon myself as a new "standard". I thought all men of God were really men of God and trusted them explicitly. I nearly drove my family and myself crazy! I would not even walk in a room where a TV was playing, and we had five in our house!
After having worked through all that and learning to understand the Word for myself, I now have deep convictions that are from God alone and I will not change them for anyone. Now to you, I may seem like a liberal, but to most of our friends, I am a die-hard conservative. So the titles are confusing once you get outside of the OP realm.
It saddens me that I can call you brother, but you probably would not call me sister. It saddens me that my real brother, who is one of the best speakers in the world, probably could never preach in our church. (I don't blame him for that; it's just the law of the land). It saddens me that all of us cannot fellowship over the 90% that we do agree on and forget the 10% that we disagree on. It saddens me that some people on here obviously do not think that I'm saved when I know the relationship I have with Jesus.
It is discouraging to post threads on here about people getting the Holy Ghost or getting healed and only a certain few people will respond, because the more conservative ones wouldn't want to acknowledge that it could actually happen or be the real thing. Just being honest here.....
That's why I love Sis. Alvear. She can absolutely see Jesus in everyone. She has come to visit me and we are as far apart in beliefs as anyone on here, but we love each other dearly. To me, she reaches out to every end of the spectrum and knows that God is working in all of us.
Hope this doesn't sound like "woe is me". I do love and appreciate everyone on here and highly respect your beliefs. I hope that I can prove myself to you as well.
I haven't read this thread until just now. I thought that it was going to be about some social issue that always chaps me. But, it isn't
Having said that, I found this POST which is probably the wisest, most accurate and discerning post that I've read so far.
The realm of those accepted by God is so all inclusive that the shading of extreem light to extreem darkness fades away in such small increments that it cannot be known except by God Himself. (hope that makes sense)
I might consider myself to be in and walking in the brightest possible light, yet a recognized brother with whom we have fellowship is walking in a light that is so slightly dimmer than our own that none can tell the difference. This continues on to the next brother and the next and then the next until the light gradually fades into dusk like condition and finally the gross darkness.
Therefore, it is PRIDE that works among us that seems to cause us to think that the light that we have is just a cut, if not a very small cut above another group. The same PRIDE in them causes them to think the same. Hence, the body of Christ is not mystically divided but pride is deceiving...even causes us to doubt others to become suspicious.
Pride working on "true believers" is a terrible thing. The true believer, regardless who he may be is very dogmatic. True beleivers will follow anyone fanatically that strike their fancy. It is a personality trait among some to become dogmatic. Dogmatism together with PRIDE will cause one to become agenda driven. Thus, the fellowship of Christ is greatly reduced to "us four and no more." Worse yet, "Nobody is saved 'cept you and me but sometimes I worry about you."
I have had good fellowship with the rankest of all conservatives knowing all the while that I do not believe the same way he does. Those kind of men have a sweet spirit of Christ with whom I fellowship who does not make their agendas a matter of division. Also, I have had sweet fellowship with the rankest of libs under the same condition. I've also had the sweetest fellowship with an AOG preacher once...that is until he died. He knew what I was. We discussed it some. But there was no way that I could change him. He knew that he could not change me. So, we set it aside and fellowship with Christ.
Once he invited us over to eat one evening. As we all sat around the table, he asked me to ask the blessings on the food. I bowed my head to pray. But just then, I felt the little wheel in the middle of the big wheel turn over in my soul. I tried to stay straight and resume the prayer. Before I could fisnish, that little wheel turned over again. Then, it was all she wrote for about two hours. A spirit of prayer came upon us that was awesome.... We were swept away in prayer. We visited the heavenlies being lifted up above all the earth into glory.
Two hours later, we got up. The man's face was flushed. He said, "As you started to pray, I saw Jesus in a vision with his hands stretched out toward us. Surely, this AOG man and myself had great fellowship in the Spirit. The food was still on the table but cold and untouched. What happened to the women. Why! They had fellowship to. They went shopping and came back just as we were finishing our prayer. lol....
The dear man has now gone on to judgment. Oh, tears come to my eyes with longing to see this precious man once more.
Dogmatism and pride are the twin sisters of division. It ought not to be.