Originally Posted by Dora
Ya know...LW thinks of his students from JCM as his "KIDS" so I'm thinking we are all one big weird disfunctional wacky hilarious ultra-talented eccentric bunch!
Not to say that we resemble or emmulate our self-appointed Pappa LW. But we do so love our reunions and gatherings because it's so much fun to enjoy hearing our peers sing and play and catch up on their lives and see what they're up to these days.
When LW has a concert, we go not so much to see LW (and that is a whole adventure in itself!) but to see all of our dear friends --several generations of JCM'ers -- and just have a BLAST together.
If LW organized another reunion or celebration, I'd be right there!
Many of the current UPCers took a lot of heat for going to the birthday party