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Old 11-07-2010, 09:56 PM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by Berkley View Post
WOW... new found respect for Benny!!! Check this out!!

Kinda like Bugs Bunny rebuking Sylvester!
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Old 11-07-2010, 09:57 PM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
I think Joel Osteen's official response to his critics is very gracious and should be accepted by those who are/were upset with him:

I will concede that, far more disturbing than JO's lack of satisfactory answer to LK, is when a man issues a heartfelt apology and Christians reject it and continue with their accusations and malice. Perhaps they feel they have to personally validate an apology before it can be accepted as sincere; regardless, I consider it a Christian obligation to accept an apology that is offered, unless there is tangible evidence to illustrate that it is insincere.
Your response to JO's apology does you great credit, Miss Brat.

I believe that apology reflects a humble and sincere heart, a Christ like heart, when in his position he could be defensive and arrogant.
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Old 11-07-2010, 10:07 PM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by notofworks View Post
Then you flat-out haven't listened to him. Period. I've never seen him speak without doing so. But even if you're right.....Jesus often spoke without quoting scriptures, as did Paul. Since when does a preacher have to quote a scripture to be used of God?

Harold Camping does nothing BUT quote scriptures and he's a complete fruit loop. Benny Hinn uses a LOT of scriptures and destroys almost all of them. And according to Jesus, there will be people who did all kinds of things that sounded religious but they will have been forever unknown to the Father.
Exactly, I generally skip right on pass JO's program, but I admit, that when I have taken the time to really listen, I have be surprised by how much I got out of what he presented. I just find it hard to settle down and listen to TV preachers.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)

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Old 11-08-2010, 12:47 AM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by crakjak View Post
I don't view Saddam or most Muslims depots as leaders, rather madmen who stole power by murder and torture. I don't call that leadership, that is forced compliance and obedience.

Numbers when the leader uses force & fear is one thing, numbers when there is no power but love and inspiration is quite another. JO's style would generally be rejected by folks that have lived under fear and manipulation.
lol...they lead nations. They lead armies. They lead men, They are leaders regardless of whether you want to agree or not...you still seem to be avoiding the point.

I'll repeat it a 3rd time, the issue never was whether or not Joel was a good leader or a leader at all. Next?
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Old 11-08-2010, 06:30 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
Kinda like Bugs Bunny rebuking Sylvester!
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Old 11-08-2010, 06:40 AM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

I see it kind of like this...

Osteen is addressing a widespread problem in America... depression, sense of failure, and low self esteem. Believe it or not, after my wife left me I found comfort in a lot of Osteen's teachings. The idea that it's not over, God is still willing to give favor, I did my best and I can rise up and do better, I can have a new beginning, God still loves me, things of that nature. My own church largely turned their backs on me... and while I hold part of the responsibility for my failed marriage.... she's the one who left and was coloring outside the lines, though I had mercy and asked that she repent and we get counseling. But Osteen truly ministered to me... even though I do hold some differences theologically. I was disappointed with Osteen's answer on Larry King, but perhaps he was just trying to show wisdom and put the onus on God.

Hinn, I've never been a big fan of Hinn. But, he does have a hunger for the supernatural and he tries to bring that hunger to the lives of those under his ministry. Many have criticized Hinn over "modalistic" statements, while he shifts from one position to another. I dont' think he's really aware of the details... like most Charasmatics, he doesn't really focus on details when it comes to "theologies" and doctrines. I know it appears that he might have "sinned", "slipped up", or "made a mistake", with Paul White. For me, being a man who is in the midst of a very complicated divorce... I can understand how he must feel and I understand how easy it would be to slip up. Unless "evidence" is sent forth that "proves" sin, he should be given the benefit of a doubt, knowing that if it's hidden... God allowed it to be hidden (even if perhaps it's only for the sakes of the millions who are enfluenced by his ministry). Sometimes God hides our sin for the greater good... though a price will be paid. Hinn's faced a world of criticism. Perhaps by affirming his fundamentalist belief in Jesus being the only way, Hinn is trying to recover some lost creditability. Maybe he's trying to strengthen his convictions after whatever happened with Paula White. I can understand that. I'm sure it isn't easy being either of these guys.

These are men... men like us... men with incorrect ideas... men who's motives aren't always right. But they are in the lime light and to the world... they represent a large portion of American Christianity. Also, being in the lime light is very scary and mistakes will be made. There are doctrinal issues... but I still think we need to pray for them both, learn what we can from them, and try to go deeper in our own relationship with Jesus.

Let's not be too hard on either of them. I've learned that if not for the grace of God... any one of us could be in either one of their shoes.

Last edited by Aquila; 11-08-2010 at 06:45 AM.
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Old 11-08-2010, 06:43 AM
deadeye deadeye is offline

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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by Neck View Post
Kinda like Bugs Bunny rebuking Sylvester!
More like the blind rebuking the blind...
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:21 AM
staysharp staysharp is offline
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by Berkley View Post
WOW... new found respect for Benny!!! Check this out!!

this guy is a modern Simon the Sorcerer...the power of God displayed is the love we have one for another and for our enemies. The ability to forgive, love, maintain self-control and do good: not shouting, rebuking, dancing, goosebumps or even miracles. The greatest miracle of all is to live a sinless life through the power of love!
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Old 11-08-2010, 07:22 AM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
lol...they lead nations. They lead armies. They lead men, They are leaders regardless of whether you want to agree or not...you still seem to be avoiding the point.

I'll repeat it a 3rd time, the issue never was whether or not Joel was a good leader or a leader at all. Next?
Yes, I see your point, however I don't think it holds water. Leaders of people at the point of the sword is not leadership. You can hold power over someone and yet not be a "leader".

Joel is a leader of people, lots of people, because of his ability to love them and to inspire them. Traits of true leadership, matters not that you disagree with his methods. Folks follow voluntarily, not by fear, big difference, one is a leader the other is a tyrant. I don't consider tyrants leaders, they are bullies!!

Saddam's armies were not lead, they were forced by fear of their lives, and it became very evident in the first Gulf war, that they did not have real leadership. A man can have children, and lack fatherly leadership. I hope my point is abundantly clear.
For it is written, "As I live, says the Lord every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall give praise to God. (Romans 14:11- NASB)


Last edited by crakjak; 11-08-2010 at 07:27 AM.
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Old 11-08-2010, 08:21 AM
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Re: Benny Hinn rebukes Joel Osteen??

Benny Hinn is correcting Joel Osteen...who's correcting Benny Hinn????

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