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Old 10-28-2010, 01:03 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Did you hear about the southerner who went to truck driving school? He passed the test and they got him a job driving truck. Well, he was driving down the road and his truck broke down, so he pulled over right beside a great big field of sunflowers. He got out and went to the field and picked big arms full of them. He put a whole bunch about 10 feet ahead of his truck and another bunch about 10 feet behind his truck.

So along comes the police officer. The man tells him his truck broke down. So the officer goes on to ask him about the sunflowers. What are they for?? The man says to him, in his VERY SOUTHERN ACCENT, "Well, sir, in truck driving school, they taught us that if your truck breaks down, you should pull over to the side of the road and put flares (flowers in Southern) in the front of the truck and flares (flowers in Southern) at the back of your truck."

I know it loses something in the translation on here. Use your imagination, people!!

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Old 10-28-2010, 01:06 PM
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Cool Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

I usually signal, notice I said usually

I also consider it important when there are other cars present.
I knew it was a law due to seeing news accounts of cars pulled over for not signalling.

{ I might add it's usually on the interstate and is a ruse to pull over an out of state car that is suspect.........the article indicates that the car was pulled over for improper lane change or whatever AND somehow this same car has a trunk full of "drugs" }

But, I've thought about the emabarrassment of a ticket.
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by whoami View Post
*sigh* Blinker fluid is so expensive, every time I take my car to the shop the kind mechanics let me know that it's totally out and I need to buy a few more quarts.

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Old 10-28-2010, 01:07 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
LOL! We did our drinking before and after exiting a vehicle. Shame on you!
The one and only time I ever drove drunk, I was so afraid of getting caught that refused to go over about 8 mph all the way home. Took us HOURS to get there!!!!

Never gave it a thought that that would be the best possible way to attract the attention of any police in the area. LOL
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
LOL! We did our drinking before and after exiting a vehicle. Shame on you!
My friend and I were parked near the beach, in an alley way with sand on one side and houses on the other. I guess the car creeped up on us and all of a sudden turned their lights on. It was kinda comical later thinking about it.

My friend goes "cop!" and we ducked...like they didn't see us....from time to time my friend pops his head up to see what they are doing. Next thing we know they are right there in the window.

Now, I have an idea how the cops knew where were there. It might have had something to do with us being a couple of drunks drinking beers, though we weren't that buzzed yet.

But more than likely someone did not like the fact that we had an air gun and were shooting it there too.

My buddy was asked if he had any guns or knives and he said he had one in his pocket. When the cop went to search my buddy shouted "no no, the OTHER pocket"...luckily that was before the cop realized what was in that pocket was a pot pipe.

The cop let us keep the rest of our beers...odd. Made my friend go pick up the beers we were tossing into the sand.
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
When I was 20 I got a ticket for possession of alcohol...the equivalent of open container, because it was in my car
I was taking a bag of beer cans to the recycling center once and got pulled over for speeding (30 in a 20 zone), the bag was clear and the cop smiled and said "technically, you've got about 100 counts of open container right there." LOL! He was joking, but I thought that open container required alcohol to actually be in the container.
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:09 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
YES, PO, I knew that it was against the law to not signal other drivers of your intent. I even use my blinker to turn into my driveway; it's just habit.

Did you take Driver's Ed.?
I got in my car this morning and my blinker was on from turning in my driveway!!
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Old 10-28-2010, 01:11 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
My friend and I were parked near the beach, in an alley way with sand on one side and houses on the other. I guess the car creeped up on us and all of a sudden turned their lights on. It was kinda comical later thinking about it.

My friend goes "cop!" and we ducked...like they didn't see us....from time to time my friend pops his head up to see what they are doing. Next thing we know they are right there in the window.

Now, I have an idea how the cops knew where were there. It might have had something to do with us being a couple of drunks drinking beers, though we weren't that buzzed yet.

But more than likely someone did not like the fact that we had an air gun and were shooting it there too.

My buddy was asked if he had any guns or knives and he said he had one in his pocket. When the cop went to search my buddy shouted "no no, the OTHER pocket"...luckily that was before the cop realized what was in that pocket was a pot pipe.

The cop let us keep the rest of our beers...odd. Made my friend go pick up the beers we were tossing into the sand.

That reminds me of a scene from an old Cheech and Chong movie.

The officer comes up to the car and asks to see his license. Cheech replies, "Isn't it on the back of the car?"

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Old 10-28-2010, 01:12 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by dizzyde View Post
I got in my car this morning and my blinker was on from turning in my driveway!!

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Old 10-28-2010, 01:12 PM
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Re: Did ya'll know this was against the law?

Originally Posted by whoami View Post
I was taking a bag of beer cans to the recycling center once and got pulled over for speeding (30 in a 20 zone), the bag was clear and the cop smiled and said "technically, you've got about 100 counts of open container right there." LOL! He was joking, but I thought that open container required alcohol to actually be in the container.
Funny, but I guess there has to be evidence one was drinking. We had opened cans stuffed down between the seats to hide them and empty ones tossed out the window with unopened ones waiting in the wings
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