Originally Posted by ManOfWord
Sorry, my "ganglia" isn't working too well at the moment. What were we talking about?
Maybe I should take my own advice and not post any more, since I'm obviously not very good at being clear in what I mean.
Maybe they'll eventually find the "sin" particle which will finally, once and for all, explain why we sin..........then we'll all have something to blame and we'll finally be able to live in bliss w/o fear of judgment! 
I'd mainly like to make it plain that I don't jump on this forum, seek for what you've posted, and disagree with it because I have a personal problem with it. For example, I said very sympathetic things about the father in question here, eight posts before you posted anything. I'm aware it may seem as though I have a personal problem with you and I've had another Admin tell me as much. I can't change perceptions but I'm not going to avoid responding to something I strongly disagree with just because it's you. Then I truly would have an issue with you.
I think we actually do know the particle that makes us sin. But sin isn't what this father committed when he tragically forgot his child in the car.
Honestly? I'm very absent-minded and I literally am scared to death that something like this could happen to me. I said in post #29 that we're beyond our baby years but I do have an older child that needs assistance with everything. There have been a couple of occasions when my wife has been sick and had to stay home from church, and I would take him by myself. With the whirlwind of things I'm responsible for at the church things that day, the very thought that I get so caught up in what I'm doing and not having my wife with me, that I leave my child in a broiling car......
I can't even continue the thought. It's way, way too painful.