Something I put together a while ago. I hope it is helpful.
Herein will reveal where, when and how Jesus ‘fulfilled the Law’
It was necessary that the high priesthood of Aaron be fulfilled and brought
to closure.
Hebrews 7:12
Jesus was that fulfilling element in the Law.
Old Testament priestly requirements regarding the priesthood.
1. He was washed - at his baptism
2. His hands and feet were washed - at his baptism
3. He was anointed – at his baptism
4. He was sprinkled with the blood of the sacrifice
(his own shed blood) – at his crucifixion
5. His righteousness was his white garments
6. The sacrifice needed to be unblemished
7. The sacrifice needed to be washed – at his baptism
8. The undesirable parts of the sacrifice was to be burned
outside the camp – he was crucified outside the city
9. Portions of the sacrifice must be eaten –
‘Take and eat, this is my body”
10. The Holy Place was to be sprinkled with the blood of the sacrifice – “Drink ye all of it, this is my blood”
(the holy place is our inner man)
Christ’s baptism was critical to the Law’s closure, which is why Jesus said
to John:
“it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness”
Matthew 3:15
It should also be understood that the
baptism of Jesus was his inauguration
day into the high priesthood of Melchisedec. This can be seen in the book
of Hebrews when both prophecies regarding the priesthood and God’s
approval of Jesus came together at one point on one day – the day of
Christ’s baptism.
Hebrews 5:5,6
Another point in the Law was that it was necessary that only a Son of
Aaron officiate a new high priest inauguration bringing even more
significance to the person and work of John the Baptist whose father and
mother were direct descendants of Aaron. John was that Son of Aaron that
officiated the transfer of powers to the new high priest.
Understand also that a man does not necessarily have to know the
incidentals about and why he is placed in a particular situation in order to
do God’s will. God is faithful to Himself and will see to it that all things be
done accordingly. John hadn’t grasped the entire significance when he
initially refused to baptize Jesus.
Now the institution of the priesthood of Melchisedec had four elements in
which all believers are able to participate, they are:
1. Water Baptism: our association and participation with Christ in
fulfilling all the washing requirements of the Law, in his death, burial and
resurrection AND priesthood
2. Communion: our participation in the consumption of the
sacrifice and our association with Christ in memorial and fellowship
3. Foot Washing: our association with Christ in the washing
requirements of the Law and in humility and service
4. Intercession: our participation in and association with the
priestly function in an everlasting priesthood
Christ’s baptism is the fulfillment of those significant portions in the
priesthood and sacrifice requirements in the Law as is also our water
baptism. (our association with the Sons of Aaron)
Therefore, being made kings and priests, our water baptism marks our inaugural day into that priesthood of Melchisedec.
"Suffer it to be so...."