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Old 09-16-2010, 11:31 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by jfrog View Post
I'm a little confused. Why don't the Americans who claim Americans aren't giving enough give more and give until it hurts? I mean if they really believe they could be doing more then why aren't they doing more?

I don't mean to pick on you MissB. It is just your post exemplified what I seen in this thread. I have not read all of the thread though. I also want to note that when I say you, I'm not just referring just to MissB, I'm referring to anyone who believes we should be doing more.

I have no problem with a missionary describing conditions over there and asking if I can give more or do more. I have a problem with a missionary telling me that if I don't give more then I am not doing enough.

I also have a problem with fellow Americans telling me I should give more to missions just because I can. I say that if they believe that then they should give more to missions just because they can.

I can see why Owl was offended by the missionaries post. It accused most every American of not loving Jesus because their actions in terms of giving to missions don't show it. It also said that the reason that the giving to missions doesn't show a love for Jesus was because we have a comparitive excess and could be doing more. I think Owl shouldn't be the only one offended by those words. Every American Christian who could be doing more should be offended for being accused of not loving Jesus. The fact is we all could be giving more and as long as we aren't giving all that we can then by the words of that missionary we don't love Jesus. I hope I've explained mine and Owl's problem with that statement.

By the way, Sis Alevear I forgive you and don't think you purposefully meant for your words to mean all of that.
Nice post. Great synopsis.
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:33 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Very much so.

Consider: Most missionaries get cars and a salary for life.

I don't know any home missionaries with that luxury.

I think it's great that missionaries are well cared for.
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:36 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by Owl View Post
Very much so.

Consider: Most missionaries get cars and a salary for life.

I don't know any home missionaries with that luxury.

I think it's great that missionaries are well cared for.
You know what.....I think you need to remember that the lady that you were offended by IS NOT supported by WEC. You DO NOT know her circumstances.

Plus, you do know that if someone wants to give a UPC missionary additional money (above their self-raised budget) that the missionary is required to report the amount so that it can be deducted from their monthly check?
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
You know what.....I think you need to remember that the lady that you were offended by IS NOT supported by WEC. You DO NOT know her circumstances.

Plus, you do know that if someone wants to give a UPC missionary additional money (above their self-raised budget) that the missionary is required to report the amount so that it can be deducted from their monthly check?
Yes, I know all of that. I'm glad they are well cared for.
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by Owl View Post
Yes, I know all of that. I'm glad they are well cared for.
But, you're upset that home missionaries don't have the same?
Master of Science in Applied Disgruntled Religious Theorist Wrangling
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by Owl View Post
Miss B, your post cracks me up. You join the hallelujah chorus railing against American giving, and describe us as spoiled and lazy, yet you choose to only give what is comfortable. That is not sacrifice.
And I absolutely agree with you. We don't give sacrificially at this point, although we have...sort of...in the past. I say "sort of" because even when we were in tight spots, we had our basic needs met, so it seems that compared to those in other countries we were still in good shape. Apparently you're not comprehending my point. I'm saying that even when we give "sacrificially", we are still better off than most in other parts of the world, so by comparison, it's hard to call it a sacrifice.

The TRUTH is, thousands of American ministers give far and above what is comfortable. They don't give out of abundance, they give even though it DOES take food off of their table. They give and give and give.
Yes, they do. I absolutely AGREE. I was a PK, and we did do without at our house a few times because my parents would pay the church bills when things came up short in the church accounts. They would go buy groceries for people who didn't have any and we would eat beans and cornbread all week to make up for it. But American MINISTERS don't comprise the whole of American CHRISTIANS. Did Sister Alvear comment about American Christians as a whole? Or did she pinpoint ministers?

If you can't see that the missionaries, and the work they do, are funded much better than American pastors and home missionaries you're blind.
OHHHHHH, so this thread is about comparing what missionaries receive to what American pastors and home missionaries receive. My bad. I thought it was about Sister Alvear "whining" about terrible Americans not giving enough to missions.

It's one thing to complain about the poverty of foreigners. No one will disagree there is a great disparity between America and third world nations. It's another to say we should provide welfare to people who won't change their own governmental policies to become economically prosperous.

Every Christian should feel compelled to give to missions because of a burden for souls. Missions work, however, does not exist to end poverty and correct social injustices.

Lastly, some of the folks who have been the most aghast on this thread probably never involve themselves in any spiritual outreach work. They throw a bit of extra money at missions and think they have fulfilled the Great Commission. That Commission is to "go," NOT spend.
I agree. So go. Get off your bum and quit whining because Sister A made you feel guilty for some reason. Be about your Father's business, because I can promise you THIS is not His business.
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Last edited by rgcraig; 09-16-2010 at 11:42 AM. Reason: fixed quote
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:48 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
And I absolutely agree with you. We don't give sacrificially at this point, although we have...sort of...in the past. I say "sort of" because even when we were in tight spots, we had our basic needs met, so it seems that compared to those in other countries we were still in good shape. Apparently you're not comprehending my point. I'm saying that even when we give "sacrificially", we are still better off than most in other parts of the world, so by comparison, it's hard to call it a sacrifice.

Yes, they do. I absolutely AGREE. I was a PK, and we did do without at our house a few times because my parents would pay the church bills when things came up short in the church accounts. They would go buy groceries for people who didn't have any and we would eat beans and cornbread all week to make up for it. But American MINISTERS don't comprise the whole of American CHRISTIANS. Did Sister Alvear comment about American Christians as a whole? Or did she pinpoint ministers?

OHHHHHH, so this thread is about comparing what missionaries receive to what American pastors and home missionaries receive. My bad. I thought it was about Sister Alvear "whining" about terrible Americans not giving enough to missions.

I agree. So go. Get off your bum and quit whining because Sister A made you feel guilty for some reason. Be about your Father's business, because I can promise you THIS is not His business.
I suppose the comparisons are necessary when one considers the amount of whining about how lazy and selfish we Americans are. It's hard to listen to the guilt trips when there's nothing left to give.

Oh, and I promise you I feel no guilt.

Again, if a pastor had posted that Americans were lazy and selfish givers he would have been tarred and feathered. Every one would have called him an ungrateful money-grubber. All of AFF would have descended upon him like a pack of hungry wolves.

It's all about perspective. I'm sorry yours is so narrow.
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by Owl View Post
I suppose the comparisons are necessary when one considers the amount of whining about how lazy and selfish we Americans are. It's hard to listen to the guilt trips when there's nothing left to give.

Oh, and I promise you I feel no guilt.

Again, if a pastor had posted that Americans were lazy and selfish givers he would have been tarred and feathered. Every one would have called him an ungrateful money-grubber. All of AFF would have descended upon him like a pack of hungry wolves.

It's all about perspective. I'm sorry yours is so narrow.
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Old 09-16-2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by Owl View Post
I suppose the comparisons are necessary when one considers the amount of whining about how lazy and selfish we Americans are. It's hard to listen to the guilt trips when there's nothing left to give.

Oh, and I promise you I feel no guilt.

Again, if a pastor had posted that Americans were lazy and selfish givers he would have been tarred and feathered. Every one would have called him an ungrateful money-grubber. All of AFF would have descended upon him like a pack of hungry wolves.

It's all about perspective. I'm sorry yours is so narrow.
And I'm sorry that you've decided to behave in such a disappointing way.
"God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours."
--David Livingstone

"To see no being, not God’s or any, but you also go thither,
To see no possession but you may possess it—enjoying all without labor or purchase—
abstracting the feast, yet not abstracting one particle of it;…."

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Old 09-16-2010, 11:56 AM
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Re: Misssionaries With God Complexes

Originally Posted by MissBrattified View Post
And I'm sorry that you've decided to behave in such a disappointing way.
And I'm sorry that you're sorry.
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