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Old 09-14-2010, 10:06 PM
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Re: The McKees...now on TV

Originally Posted by canam View Post
My view is i think its a waste of time and money, your not reaching the target audience which is the youth ,people in nursing homes or house bound ,yes. Same with internet broadcasts, in another words your preaching to the choir(on internet) show me one person who has been saved and attends church reguarly as a result of anyones tv or internet ministry.
I know there are some that are house bound and the only church they get is what they find on TV. Why not have one with truth being preached?

I understand where Dan is coming from on saying don't preach against the tool you plan on using.

However, my only suggestion is remove your name from the title. It reminds me of a testimony I heard Bro. T. W. Barnes make. He put up a sign "Come to T. W. Barnes Healing Ministry". God told him he hoped he did well, because He wouldn't be there since his sign said T. W. Barnes instead of Jesus. He immediately removed the sign.

I saw a billboard that had the church name and the pastor's picture on it. I told someone I was concerned about the pastor's picture on the billboard. Later he and his wife divorced. You can't share God's glory with man in any way.

I would say pray about it. But for ME I can't do it. I fear God to much.

But I think it is a great idea to have your ministry on TV, as long as you keep to the truth. Too many let their ego's change their message.
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Last edited by Esther; 09-14-2010 at 10:20 PM.
Old 09-14-2010, 10:25 PM
mizpeh mizpeh is offline
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Re: The McKees...now on TV

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I know there are some that are house bound and the only church they get is what they find on TV. Why not have one with truth being preached?

I understand where Dan is coming from on saying don't preach against the tool you plan on using.

However, my only suggestion is remove your name from the title. It reminds me of a testimony I heard Bro. T. W. Barnes make. He put up a sign "Come to T. W. Barnes Healing Ministry". God told him he hoped he did well, because He wouldn't be there since his sign said T. W. Barnes instead of Jesus. He immediately removed the sign.

I saw a billboard that had the church name and the pastor's picture on it. I told someone I was concerned about the pastor's picture on the billboard. Later he and his wife divorced. You can't share God's glory with man in any way.

I would say pray about it. But for ME I can't do it. I fear God to much.

But I think it is a great idea to have your ministry on TV, as long as you keep to the truth. Too many let their ego's change their message.
I was thinking the same thing when I read that Rob McKee's name was to be in the title. Leave your name out, Rob, and lift up the name of Jesus Christ. Other than that, I pray that the Lord anoints and blesses His word spoken through you and that many are saved. But most importantly that Jesus Christ receives all of the glory for every bit of it!
His banner over me is LOVE.... My soul followeth hard after thee....Love one another with a pure heart fervently. Jesus saith unto her, Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?

To be a servant of God, it will cost us our total commitment to God, and God alone. His burden must be our burden... Sis Alvear

Last edited by mizpeh; 09-14-2010 at 10:28 PM.
Old 09-14-2010, 10:50 PM
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Rob McKee Rob McKee is offline
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Re: The McKees...now on TV

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
I know there are some that are house bound and the only church they get is what they find on TV. Why not have one with truth being preached?

I understand where Dan is coming from on saying don't preach against the tool you plan on using.

However, my only suggestion is remove your name from the title. It reminds me of a testimony I heard Bro. T. W. Barnes make. He put up a sign "Come to T. W. Barnes Healing Ministry". God told him he hoped he did well, because He wouldn't be there since his sign said T. W. Barnes instead of Jesus. He immediately removed the sign.

I saw a billboard that had the church name and the pastor's picture on it. I told someone I was concerned about the pastor's picture on the billboard. Later he and his wife divorced. You can't share God's glory with man in any way.

I would say pray about. But for ME I can't do it. I fear God to much.

But I think it is a great idea to have your ministry on TV, as long as you keep to the truth. Too many let their ego's change their message.
Ester...thank you for your comments... I have never preached against people in our church owning a tv..Dan knows that...Dan was trying to make some deeper point about the UPCI...hypocrisy...blah blah

I believe Dan was been hurt by someone in UPC years ago...(of course...who hasnt been? All who live Godly will suffer persecution...sometimes by our brothers...but we must get over it) that's why you see so much bitterness towards it (making websites trying to discredit ministers etc.). It appears to be his life's passion. He has become known as "the guy online who hates Bro Stoneking". In life we will either carry a harvest sickle or a sword of war...I choose the sickle...

I too have heard that story about Bro Barnes...he was one of my apostolic heroes. As far as my name being attached to the broadcast...I completely agree with you. I brought this up to the station when we met (some may not believe me...but God is my witness). I wanted it to be more focused on The Pentecostals of Katy and the church...unfortunately it wasn't my decision. The station said it would make it difficult to market. At the last minute we added my name (my wife's was always attached to her show)

One note about seeming prideful..there is a flip side to pride...I believe the same pride that will cause some to sit on the platform will cause some to sit on the back row. Fear of being talked about is rooted in pride. I battle with my pride daily...chances are pretty good that we all do. I'm not above getting wrapped up in myself at times...I sincerely value your prayers.
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