Originally Posted by coadie
Yes we can see how elements behave.
6.63 × 10−34 J-sec The fundie constant in quantum theory.
Actually you do not know..You think you know. We have no truthfull and accurate measurements back then and rely on Models. Estimates and linear regression equations were what i wrote programs for in my own research in the early 70's. Fortran is great for this. It has been a long time since I wrote programs in Fortran in grad school. And no, we do not know how rapidly the sun decreased in diameter and radiation over time Planks constant.
E = h * c / wavelength
h = 6.626 x 10^(-34) joules-sec
c = 299,792,458 meters/sec
wavelength = 9.7 meters
We are several equations away from getting joules and then go the way of net energy reduction from the sun and finally watts per m2 absorption on the earth. We have far too much heat for life to come from the primordial soup at temps under lets say 308 degrees Kelvin
You appear to accept Plank's Constant, but you appear to dismiss conclusions drawn from this.
You are correct in saying that "we don't [exactly] know how rapidly these processes took place." However, you must have been exposed to material which demonstrates the ranges of time that were involved. That's why "evilutionists" don't try and pin things down to exact dates and years. They're being honest. None of us has enough information to be that specific.
Compare this honesty, humility and candor to your good friend Bishop Ussher and his "extrapolation" that the earth was created on Sunday, October 23, 4004 BC.
Originally Posted by coadie
You are still unable to tell us how matter and energy was created that formed stars.
Google "quantum vacuum flux."
My own take is:
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
What did you do with the other "coadie?" The cranky one? Anyway, I like you better.
Again, you appear to accept Plank's Constant, but you appear to dismiss conclusions based upon it. Your good buddy Sir Fred Hoyle demonstrated (along with Chandra W.) that the Plank Constant could be utilized to determine the movements of interstellar dust and to project its behavior under different conditions such as collapsing to form a star.
From there, Chandra W. and Hoyle accurately projected the life cycle of stars of various masses and the elements that would be transmuted at different stages before the star "died."
Their collaborator, William Fowler (along with
his Hindu counterpart Chandrasekhar) went on to win Nobel Prizes for this work. All of this was begun as deductions from the Plank Constant. The Nobels were not handed out until after several years of observation and testing confirmed their hypothesis in the early 1980s.
Originally Posted by coadie
The Earth's Magnetic Field
The magnet is thought to be formed by circulating electrical currents in the outer core, which would then decay as any other magnet would. [See Genesis 1:2]
hmm... I can't find the word "magnet" in
Genesis 1:2, nor anywhere in my Strong's... but I will allow you to extrapolate because, Hey! I'm a pretty swell guy.
Originally Posted by coadie
The half-life of decay of the earth’s magnetic field is 1,400 years. The magnetic field has declined by 10% since 1829. The magnetic field is only 1/3 as strong as it was when Jesus walked the earth.
Current magnetic moment is 8.0 x 1022 amp-meter2
3400 AD = 4
4800 AD = 2
6200 AD = 1
7600 AD = 0.5
9000 AD = 0.25
This half-life would mean that 100,000 years ago, the earth’s magnetic field would have been comparable to a neutron star.
In 8,000 years there will effectively be no magnetic field.
A magnetic field protects the earth and its inhabitants from harmful cosmic irradiation.
Old earth advocates claim a perpetual self-exciting “dynamo” mechanism that would continually replenish the magnet exists.
Even with polar charge reversals, the ongoing recent reduction in magnetic field strength disallows life developing with out being fried as in the old Raytheon radar range.
I just touched on how the cooling earth would have cooked live in the old earth model.
Ah, no. You gave a brief break down of the equation known as Plank's Constant, and then you misrepresented conclusions that could be based upon it. You then completely ignored the highly publicized and much celebrated conclusions that Sir Fred Hoyle (and others) had made using the Plank Constant - and that after quoting Sir Fred as an authority on other matters just yesterday.
Originally Posted by coadie
Can you put all this together plus a few more and tell us how much energy hit the earth? Then calculate IR and we can get there.
"Hit the earth?" When? When our Mr. Sun first "ignited" the fusion engines at its core? Yes, that would have fried even the 7-11 burritos on Pluto. However, it was a "flash" of energy at a time when the earth itself hadn't even completely formed yet. It would have blasted lighter elements far out into the depths of the solar system and left the planetary nebulae closer to the sun (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars along with the asteroid belt) quite rocky and barren.
And then, the rocky material would have continued to aggregate forming new planets (or not as in the case of the asteroid belt which is too close to Jupiter's gravitational tides). Subsequently, large doses of those "lighter elements" would return to the inner solar system deposited by comets and other debris. Somehow, for whatever "reason" - those comets today are still a rich source of amino acids - just ask Sir Fred.
The magnetic field is also interesting... to save eyestrain I will deal with it in another post... after I run a couple of errands.