Originally Posted by Digging4Truth
One would have to assume it would be profitable for the "whole"... the body of believers.
I understand your point but I also feel that these days our definition of individuality and our presumed need thereof is far beyond what other generations before us have experienced or lived.
Many of society's ills are made possible by affluence. Since we are an affluent society we want and even feel that we need certain things. Our individuality being one.
In less affluent times of the past there was no time for individuality. We needed one another and couldn't survive otherwise. Today's need for individuality seems only natural to we who were born into this affluence but when the tide changes and the days of the availability of our every want and desire pass we will once again have a more centered view of individuality as seen in our time versus how most of the history of mankind has viewed it.
By individuality, I mean the right to have your own thoughts and opinions. And act on them if necessary. Not just going along with group thought, so that you don't rock the boat.
Change has come about all over the world because people were willing to question the status quo. Martin Luther stood up as an individual and questioned the Catholic church. Most of the famous names throughout history
are famous because they stood up for something. They weren't worried about just going with the crowd.
An individuality that is concerned only about yourself, and not the good of others - that's simply selfishness. But sometimes God gives us special talents because he wants us to use them, even if the 'crowd' thinks we should just sit down and shut up.