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Old 07-21-2010, 07:03 AM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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That ye may be healed....

Since I’ve investigated the phenomena of “house church” I’ve encountered some things that moved me. During the time I was in contact with a family that “house churched” I encountered something that I’ve yet to really see among Apostolic Pentecostals and I think it’s something we could benefit from. I’ll begin with a text:
James 5:16
{5:16} Confess [your] faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
One thing I encountered in house churching were meetings that shifted into becoming “confessional”. It was understood and emphasized that what was said in the meeting, stayed in the meeting. This was when one of the pastors, Scott, would begin talking about sin and the need to bring sin into the light to be addressed. I watched as people began sharing their sins and “failures” to the group. People confessed things ranging from addictions to private struggles in areas we’d never talk about among ourselves in Apostolic Pentecost. Emphasis was put on how the grace of God can empower us to overcome our sinful nature… and how the mercy of God can make all things new. Many people confessed of hurts and abuse that have plagued them for years. The elders of the house church laid hands on a couple people, anointing them with oil. Some confessed of having spiritual struggles like lack of faith or fear of never being able to win God’s love. After the meeting it felt…”clean”. The Christians gathered there weren’t people dressed up presenting their “best face” in a religious environment; they were everyday people who loved Jesus. When talking with them I knew the real them… I knew their struggles and they knew mine. Acceptance, encouragement, and forgiveness from that small fellowship seemed strangely empowering. The masks were off and now being a Christian meant being… real. During this time people also testified of their victories. How they had overcome a sin, habit, temptation, or addiction. Some shared how God answered various questions and strengthened their once weak and uncertain faith. The group seemed to learn from one another. Some of them had struggled with sins that I would have never imagined they had struggled with in a million years. Now victorious, they share their testimony in this so very sacred and private moment. It was like stepping into the light after having been hidden in a closet for 10 years.

There were also times of confrontation. There was a particular young woman who confessed a sin and the elders sternly warned her of where her sin could lead her. They did so tenderly, out of love. They were not mean…but they appeared “strong”. It was inspiring. She cried as they prayed for her, speaking words of encouragement and grace. They encouraged her to continue to share her progress with her struggle and afterwards a couple sisters met her in the back yard to talk and encourage her because they had testimonies of a similar struggle.
Galatians 6:1
{6:1} Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which
are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness;
considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. {6:2} Bear ye
one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
Today we seem to rely on “pastoral counseling”. However, it would appear that the entire body does well to be involved in this healing process. Why do we struggle so much with opening up and being real with one another? Why do we struggle with confessing our faults to one another? Sometimes we can find a close friend to confide in…but many can’t. Why can’t we confide in one another like what I saw in the house church on Virginia Avenue in Dayton Ohio?

Last edited by Aquila; 07-21-2010 at 07:07 AM.
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Old 07-21-2010, 10:54 AM
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Re: That ye may be healed....

That is awesome and that is what it's really all about. Ministering to the body is not always just preaching over the pulpit. You guys are actually making a difference in peoples lives directly. Thanks for sharing. We have more in common than you think outside of "End Time" gobble dee goop...
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Old 07-21-2010, 12:50 PM
Aquila Aquila is offline

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Re: That ye may be healed....

Traditional churches can benefit from this kind of ministry also. Home fellowship groups (my old church called them "care groups") can be an excellent place for this ministry to take place.

Of course...we have to get over our fear of one another. I mean, if a brother or sister struggles with a sin, habit, or addiction, we have to be prepared to love them for who they are and not doubt that God was, will, and is currently still using them. We have to encourage and edify.

I believe it can happen.
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Old 07-21-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: That ye may be healed....

I recall about 12 years ago or so a prophet was doing a revival at a church I was at and he said something along these lines to the older saints, "There are a bunch of babies that just came out of the womb with after birth still all over them and nobody wants to get their hands dirty and touch them. And some of the other babies in this group are still sitting in soiled diapers and nobody wants to get their hands dirty and touch them or help clean them up."

He wasn't talking about standards either. Many of those "Babies" end up leaving the church and end up employing psychiatrists to do the work that the church is called to do as a body and as a mother...
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Old 07-21-2010, 04:39 PM
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Re: That ye may be healed....

A lot of it is fear and pride. We're afraid to share our struggles because we're afraid that people will repeat it to others, and we're afraid that people will think less of us. And that is often true. So we remain locked up inside ourselves.
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