Originally Posted by ben.nebula
on a sunday not to long ago i went to ... church in houston texas and he had women on his platform with cut hair signing and leading worship i was disgussted so i left and told one of the ushers that i did not go to or attend carasmatic church's and they told me that i was welcome to LEAVE what if i had been a sinner and needed GOD??? they also had to many lights and loud sound it was like a concert in there no way you can have a move of GOD in a auditorium like that!
elder ... wasnt even there and the church sanctuery didnt look like a church it looked like a theater for plays and concerts
-i am dissapointed[/SIZE][/SIZE] that they have gone away SO far from what they use to be LORD help us to stay focused on you and not anything or anybody else

Let me see ben.nebula;882569 if I can figure this out. I'm going to diagram this statement kinda like we use to diagram sentences.
You said, and I quote, "LORD help us to
stay focused on you and not
anything or
anybody else." ........
Let's see what you were focused on.
#1 — "... women on his platform with cut hair signing and leading worship."
#2 — "....told one of the ushers that i did not go to or attend carasmatic church's and they told me that i was welcome to LEAVE."
#3 — "....and to many lights..."
#4 — "...loud sound"
#5 — "...like a concert"
#6 — "....in a auditorium like that!"
#7 — ".....elder ... wasnt even there"
#8 — "....the church sanctuery didnt look like a church"
#9 — "....it looked like a theater for plays and concerts"
So, let me understand if I have it right,...... you had your mind on the Lord and not on the 9 "things" above.
Just Been Thinkin
"From the time you're born, 'til you ride in the hearse, there ain't nothing bad that couldn't be worse!"
LIFE: Some days you're the dog and some days you're the hydrant!
I have ... Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia! The fear of long words.
"Prediction is very hard, especially about the future." - Yogi Berra
"I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave in reflection." - Thomas Paine