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Old 05-15-2010, 03:17 PM
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No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Was the recent AMC Conference at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville just for ministers? I didn't notice any new converts (i.e. women in transition from worldliness to holiness).

Wow! I did notice some elaborate hairstyles. Wonder how long it take to do those updooz.

I also noticed extravagant clothing on the girls. Some outfits looked like Queen Elizabeth the FIRST with flared neck pieces and brocade fabric fitted jackets. Wow!

I guess "modesty" is a relative term. Just looked bodaciously outlandish and attention grabbing to me...just sayin...
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Old 05-15-2010, 05:08 PM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Yes, it primarily is a minister's conference.
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Old 05-15-2010, 10:24 PM
Melody Melody is offline
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

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Old 05-15-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Originally Posted by Melody View Post
We do not allow any rebuking, hatefulness, name calling, or verbal attacks by any person or group of people, toward any person or group of people. Content that is unseemly, using bad language, or any form of insinuating bad language (i.e. one letter and ****), or offensive slang, is not permitted.

This administration knows that God's Word allows for rebuking and correction under certain conditions, but because of the lack of understanding by some, as well as the differing views by a multitude of readers here, and for the sake of peace, we will not permit it under any circumstances.

Given this is an active forum, and we many times have heated discussions on various subjects, Admin will continually moderate the attitudes of the posts that are presented on AFF. As a rule of thumb...
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And your point is......
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Old 05-15-2010, 10:55 PM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Originally Posted by Dora View Post
Was the recent AMC Conference at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville just for ministers? I didn't notice any new converts (i.e. women in transition from worldliness to holiness).
It's a minister's conference--why would you expect new converts?
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Old 05-15-2010, 10:59 PM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

AMC = Apostolic Minister's Conference
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Old 05-16-2010, 06:46 AM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Is this like a spy report or something?
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Old 05-16-2010, 07:22 AM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Originally Posted by Dora View Post

Wow! I did notice some elaborate hairstyles. Wonder how long it take to do those updooz.
Elaborate hairstyles? At least they look like they took some time to care what their hair looked like. Who cares how long it took for them to fix it. You might be surprised that it does not take most ladies very long to fix their long beautiful uncut hair! It sure looks alot better than some of these shaggy zigzag haircuts I've seen on women that never looks like it's been brushed!

I also noticed extravagant clothing on the girls. Some outfits looked like Queen Elizabeth the FIRST with flared neck pieces and brocade fabric fitted jackets. Wow!
Extravagant clothing? Again to you it may look extravagant. Lot's of these beautiful outfits have been hand sewn by ladies that know how to use a sewing machine or either know someone else who does. A lady here in my town sews some of the most beautiful suits, skirts, dresses that I have ever seen! Yes, I guess some even look extravagant, but you know what? She only charges 20 bucks to make an outfit, so total cost is not much over 50 dollars for a really nice suit. And even if they buy these beautiful clothes, what's it matter?

I guess "modesty" is a relative term. Just looked bodaciously outlandish and attention grabbing to me...just sayin...
Bodaciously outlandish and attention grabbing? Love that word bodacious! Some ladies just really like to look nice. If it gets attention, again so what? I'm sure you love it when someone ooohs and aaahhs over anything you wear?

Just my 2cents on this wonderful Sunday morning.
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Old 05-16-2010, 07:41 AM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

Lol...No one would really want to know my thoughts about all the money and time spent of the cult of SELF....

Yes, AMC is for ministers only...This year I had the opportunity of visiting there and the reunion ...enjoyed seeing people from all walks of life.

I did notice most at the reunion spent far less on clothes...

Just wonder what God noticed???? (what I noticed is not really important) what HE noticed.... that is the most important thing....HE sees us as we really are....

Self rightousness is as filthy rags...OH, Lord please LOOK deep into my heart and examine me...try me...wash me and make not only the outside LOOK clean but make my inner self be pure and holy, kind and true....
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Old 05-16-2010, 07:45 AM
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Re: No new converts noticed at the AMC Confernce

In that AMC conference was a preacher that hates me...however I do not hate him at all...A preacher that has spent hours, days and weeks trying to destroy my family...
So white shirts do not impress me...white robes do!
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.

If it is for one of our direct needs please mark it on the check.
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