By now, we know that this is an historic flood. I've never seen such devastation in my area. (Not my immediate area - but in my general area.) I know several who have huge damage to homes and property. They feel they have lost everything but not having lost family members, they have not lost everything. As you know, there are those who have lost family members and friends. They need our prayers.
So many people have had their lives changed forever. Prayer is needed - but more than prayer is needed. Hopefully communities will work together to provide basic services. The Red Cross, Salvation Army, other agencies and the Federal Government can only do "so much".....Here I am recovering from surgery and thankful for it. However, I want to urge others to pray for those who have felt the hit of the recent storms in Tennessee and Mississippi. Of course, we can't forget those who are facing the challenges of the oil spill in the coastal areas.